Being financially independent is one of the most happy feelings for a woman. However, things change drastically after having a baby. Messy house, loads of diapers, sack full of laundry and a baby to take care of. Isn’t this too much to ask from you mommy? We know it is. The real struggle begins when your maternity leave gets over. Welcome to the real world, new mommy!! Finding a suitable day care for your baby is the only option you are left with and once you are done with that part, it’s really a huge load off your mind. Now all you have to do is to prepare your little one for the daycare. This transition may be very distressing for your child, therefore today we are going to share some tips to prepare your baby for daycare that will help you make this journey a little smoother. So let’s get started.

  • Immunization is important
  • Flexible Working
  • Spend time at the Daycare
  • Fix a sleeping routine
  • Shop Extras

#1. Immunization is important

Before putting him into the daycare, make sure you visit your baby’s pediatrician and check if she’s okay to be there. Make sure your baby is immunized as per the schedule. Share your baby’s health and medicinal routine with the daycare center. Now as your baby may get exposed to germs, it’s better to ask the doctor if there is anything you need to do in that case. This indeed, is the most important tip to prepare your child for daycare.

Also, ReadUnderstanding the Best Immunity Boosting Tips for Kids

#2. Flexible Working

Working full time may not be a good idea during the first few weeks. Therefore you must ask your employer for providing you flexible working hours initially. This way you can get extra time with the baby during the morning and she will gradually adjust to her new daycare routine. You can also start working part-time initially so that you and your baby are less stressed.

Also, ReadHow to deal with jealousy in kids

#3. Spend time at the Daycare

Before you start leaving your baby at the daycare for the full time, start spending some time with your baby at the daycare. You may sit there for a couple of hours initially so that your baby feels comfortable having you around. Start leaving him for half an hour and gradually increase the timing. This works very well with children and they adjust quickly to the new environment.

#4. Fix a sleeping routine

If you sleep with your baby during the night hours, it’s the right time to sleep alone. It will take some time if your baby is used to sleeping in a swing or a rocker. Make sure you get a similar type of crib at the daycare as your home so that your baby sleeps comfortably at the daycare. Your baby will not feel like a stranger there and will settle down for a nap easily.

#5. Shop Extras

Make sure to keep all the baby essentials in bulk at the daycare. You will need lots of feeding bottles, toys, diapers, wipes and creams so shop for this stuff in bulk to get good deals. With both the partners working, you may not get enough time on weekends to go shopping. And don’t forget to buy a bag with lots of pockets in it to keep this stuff.

Summing Up

Leaving a baby at the daycare is the toughest and remember, this doesn’t make you a bad mom. We know you love your child and you are doing the best for your little one. We hope this article is surely going to help you with the useful tips to prepare your baby for daycare. But then, kids will be kids, they will cry and break down when you leave. Make sure you bid a proper bye with a kiss whenever you leave. Taking things slow is the only mantra for you Mommy.


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