As parents raising children nowadays, we must teach our kids to become more compassionate, responsible, and grateful. Family traditions are significant in maintaining these relationships and inculcating main social competencies in life. In the following blog post, we will discuss various family ritual ideas collected on Instagram and Big Life Journal and explain how they can assist in the upbringing and provide your kid with specific insights.

Teaching Gratitude

Parents and educators should ensure that children become grateful as this is very healthy for students’ character. It will make them happier, help them understand other people’s feelings better, and teach them to value things they have been blessed with. undefined

  1. Say Please and Thank You: It is essential that your children learn how to say words like Please and Thank you. This simple habit demonstrates that they will not assume that they deserve anything and want to value any commitments they get.
  2. Help Someone Less Fortunate: Eradicate selfish habits and encourage your children to take some time to donate to those in misfortune. For instance, you may take your children to assist in preparing food for fellow needy persons or writing letters to those who cannot write on their own.
  3. Share Your Gratitude: Spend time each day to discuss what you are grateful for, especially with your family. It is best done during supper or before nighttime, and it assists your children in having a positive mindset toward what they have in life.
  4. Keep a Gratitude Journal: Ask your children to record four things they are thankful for in writing or drawing on a piece of paper daily. This will enable them to shift their attention to the bright side of life and cultivate gratitude, thus scripting a healthy gratitude habit.

Teaching Responsibility

Paying attention to teaching responsibility is as important as any other aspect that will help the child become aware of the value brought into the family by contributing to completing tasks. Here are some family rituals that teach responsibility: Here are some family rituals that teach responsibility:

  1. Assigned Tasks: These could include making the beds, setting the table, doing the laundry, rinsing the dishes, etc. This will help your children understand that everyone in the family needs to be involved and that everyone has tasks to accomplish.
  2. Rotating Chores: Have a chore list, and you can switch with your family members and get each to complete different assignments at different times. This assists the children in learning how to be resilient enough to grow, incorporate additional responsibilities, and even work in a team.
  3. Designated Chore-Time: Choose once a week as the time when the family dedicates part of the time to cleaning and doing chores together. This can also be an enjoyable family affair and assist your children in understanding how the family allocation is done.
  4. Collaborative Projects: Involve the young people in group work, such as washing the room and cooking food; all these little activities will help develop coordination skills. This assists them in ensuring that they can deal with such challenges and gain the value of teamwork.

Teaching Positivity

Because we want our children to be happy individuals, happy learners, and people in general, we must teach them about positivity. Here are some family rituals that promote positivity: 

  1. Family Cuddle Time: Designate a daily hug break, during which every family member gives everyone else cuddles and expresses only happy feelings. This will establish feelings of security and love with your children to help them in their daily lives.
  2. Gratitude Walks: Spend some time strolling with the family, observing the necessities and beauties in life, like the sun, birds, or flowers. This will help your children develop a positive attitude toward the world, knowing that someone has offered his/her time to help them.
  3. Positive Affirmations: Just as with adults, children need to hear and absorb positive messages – for example, “I am strong and can do this.” This significantly contributes to the development of a healthy, positive self-image.


Family routines are not just normal activities carried out in homes; they are times when you can instill important aspects in your children. By teaching gratitude, responsibility, and positivity in your daily routines, you are preparing your children for life. Just keep in mind that you need to be patient and persistent and that you have to nurture the process, which will involve constant communication and encouragement.


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