Every kid needs their space to bloom and to be themselves. They desire a space to take up new endeavours and hobbies, spend time in playful activities, or work diligently. A child’s room is much more than a space filled with necessities.

Ideally, when creating any space in your house, you want to pay attention to the details and how it speaks about you and your taste. A room’s design can evoke emotions and help build a distinct mood or vibe. The same goes for your child’s bedroom.

Your child will grow to have a personality and colour. A perfect way to start this adventure is by providing a space that they genuinely desire and reflects their taste and passion. As your little one grows from a toddler to a pre-schooler to a school-aged kid and an adolescent, the room’s functionality also changes.

In this chapter, we will deliver a few helpful home care tips for assembling the ideal space for your child with the best design and décor.

Do’s & Don’ts To Remember While Designing Your Child’s Space

Your child is like a flower that requires the right environment and space to flourish. A poor atmosphere devoid of the required elements can drastically impact their development. This may be one of the reasons why building an ideal space for your child can be a demanding project to take up.

Bringing together a haven for your child will be done when you have the proper guidance and the best tips. This section dives into the do’s and don’ts while assembling your child’s bedroom.

Do: Think About Your Kid’s Likings And Hobbies

Your room is the perfect reflection of your personality. The way you dress, your likes, and especially your home, the place where you live, is a mirror that reflects your personality. A bedroom is your personal space where you mostly spend your time in.

From kids to adults, we all want a space that comforts us and is full of things we consider dear to us. Understanding what your child loves the most, what they love doing in their leisure time and what activities interest them will help you build a space that matches their persona.

Design and home decoration are powerful tools that allow individuals to express and explore themselves, create a comfortable environment, and deliver their diverse styles. Therefore, blending elements that reflect their choices and pursuits are essential. Your child will appreciate the ultimate space full of things they enjoy and admire.

Do: Make Safety Your Priority

We understand how a child’s safety is always a parent’s concern. Although it is partly possible to incorporate everything in your kid’s home, safety must be at the top of your list. Incorporating safety involves examining everything, furniture, fabrics, toys, and much more. When thinking of safety, even the bed’s placement concerning your child’s bedroom door also plays a critical part.

Here is a list of things to consider:

Baby’s nursery: Create a safe sleeping place for your child, such as a cradle. When your baby starts to roll and move around, you will need one with a robust base. Using a crib is ideal. Make sure to have a safe place for change. Choose a waist-high changing table with a waterproof pad and a low guardrail.

Also, include a rocking chair that is comfortable for feeding and cuddling your baby. It will be a perfect addition for you and your baby.

Toddlers: Toddlers love to crawl around, which is the age to incorporate safety. Best is to pick a simple design with an environment that lacks any hazardous elements. Eliminate all sharp objects, furniture with pointed corners, unprotected electrical outlets, easily breakable objects, etc.

Make sure to cover the floors with soft rugs, if possible wall-to-wall or add pads for making your rugs slip-proof. Wood floorings are also an acceptable option. Create a room with an open centre space with furniture close to the walls.

Pre-Schoolers: It is best to avoid adding any décor that your child can put inside their mouth. Avoid any fragile or breakable home decoration. It is best to pick a twin-box spring with a mattress for the bed. Add plenty of storage bins for keeping all their toys and furniture with rounded or foamed edges for safety.

To protect your child, do not forget the rugs in mid-tone colours that also work best for stains or spills. You can also add padding to the bed’s headboard for safety with secured electrical sockets. Use padding material that is easy maintenance.

School-aged: At this age, kids will have their ideas and opinions. If they love bunk beds, choose one with safety rails. Incorporate a studying arrangement with a comfortable desktop and chair. Ensure the room gets enough light so they do not strain their eyes. For this purpose, you can add a lap to the bedside or study table.

Adolescent: At this point, children are more responsible. They can play a part in decorating the room and deciding what goes best for their bedroom. You can choose new rugs with mid-tone hues.

Do: Incorporate Open Shelves

Open shelves can be a great option when designing and decorating your child’s room. These storage solutions are smart as they effectively display all the décor and make things inaccessible to the little ones. This will help prevent your kids from breaking stuff or doing a taste test.

Open shelves are mostly attached to the walls and require minimal space, giving more room for your kids to move around. You can creatively arrange these shelves to make your walls attractive and captivating.

Don’t: Fill The Room With Furniture

Every designer believes a minimal style is, at all times, the best technique to achieve your desired space. Of course, it is not possible to entirely skip all the furniture. Therefore, it is best to design your kid’s room with essential furnishings. However, make sure to have enough options for storage.

Younger kids tend to have an enormous collection of toys and games. Therefore, utilize enough storage options that can keep all the clutter hidden. Only use furniture that your kid will derive benefit from and is essential for the bedroom.

Don’t: Disregard Your Child’s Age

An ideal room for your kid is reflective of their age. Every kid has a distinct taste and liking with changing age. Therefore, do not make the mistake of overlooking your child’s age. Make a functional space that perfectly matches your child’s interests and likings.

For babies and toddlers, a space with simple decorations with soft and safe textures. Add storage space for toys and lots of open space. As your kids grow older, they will need a studying room. Add bunk or trundle beds for small rooms. Choose basic furnishings to keep a minimal look.

Additionally, choose an aesthetic that your child will love. You can play with their favourite colours and diverse lighting to build the mood. Integrate accessories, cushions, and toys that your child prefers.

Don’t: Mix Playing And Working Areas

This is one of the most crucial home care tips to remember when designing your child’s room. Drawing a line between working and playing areas for a growing child is essential. This method will help them stay organized and achieve bigger goals.

You can build a space dedicated to working and incorporate closets for storing their homework, books, art supplies, stationery, project files, and more. The more storage, the better, as it will keep surfaces clutter-free. It is best to have a study table near a window so that they can get enough natural light. You can also add a table lamp for more light.

Pick bright and rich hues for the playing corner, unlike the study area having lighter or neutral colours. You can build this space by adding their favourite toys, stuffed animals or teddy bears, video games or game consoles, puzzles, board games, etc.

As fun as these rooms are, they also tend to get messy, which makes cleaning a headache. Therefore, add enough storage space to keep all their toys.

Don’t: Try To Overdo With The Trends

Trends are a great way to keep your room chic and up-to-date. However, too many cooks can spoil the stew. When you try to add several trends into one room, the result will be a terrifying and busy room. Therefore, you must stick to one trend if you are looking for a space that is warm, comforting and pleasant to the eyes.


Kids dream of a room assembled with elements that they love and admire. They look forward to having a comfortable place where they feel safe and enthusiastically spend time on various activities and interests.

Therefore, when designing this special place, it is essential to consider a few things, including their age, hobbies, safety, etc. You must play wisely with the aesthetics, the furniture and the room space.


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