Feeling of being trapped inside your home is so weird! Happy, sad, sad, happy, thankful- so many emotions!! Freedom of going out on regular walks, sending kids to school, going to office, parks..everything taken away from you because of this deadly virus.

Did we ever think in our wildest dreams that within a period of 1 month, we will be standing here? I didn’t!! Anyhow, we can’t change what happened but we can surely train our minds to be positive. To look for silver lining in these difficult times. To stand together from our respective homes & channelizing our energies in a positive direction.

Let me list a few things that we are doing at our home to keep us pepped up & feel alive:

1. Mornings: Slow mornings are the best mornings. I am sure it’s a matter of time when life will go back to normal & how much I will miss this time of my day. I am making the most of slow mornings, lazing around & watching my green space while enjoying my morning cup of tea. We also play some chants to spread positivity & feel positive. With navratra going, my mom in law spends most of her mornings – reading newspaper & praying so that’s a good way to spend time & let the slow mornings go by. We are also enjoying different varieties of breakfast & cooking has never failed to calm me down. Not to forget the Household Chores that ensure the daily exercise needs are met.

2. Noons: I am letting my kids sleep…sleep without any interruptions & they seem to be enjoying it by getting up late, very late as per our usual standards but that’s fine because the more they sleep, better is the immunity & honestly, helps us (my better half & me) to finish our emails & calls (if any). As soon as they are up, they enjoy breakfast & we do start our home schooling sessions. Although my kids haven’t got any new books issued by school so far, we are majorly covering the grammar part in English / Hindi & some Maths exercises, followed by drawing / sketching sessions that we have opted via Udemy. I must say with all the discounted online courses available around, it’s the best time for you & your kids to learn and acquire new skills. It’s fun!!

3. Evenings: Work- almost complete, kids fed, home clean…we usually spend this time enjoying a cup of tea on a little swing we have in varandha. The sky is usually clear these days, the temperature is pleasant & no matter how hard the day has been. Evenings give me new power to face whatever life has to offer. These days, I am also playing Badminton & Stapue with my kids. It was scary to jump from one number to other initially but I think I am becoming a pro at it recently. 😉

4. Nights: Dinner is prepared by 8, everyone fed by 9…we are spending our night by either watching a movie, TV series or playing Chess. My kids are excited about the game these days & I always loved chess so nothing better for me than playing a few games with them. We also like watching Tik Tok these days before retiring for the day. Its an interesting platform.

I really wanted to document this. Document so that when life goes back to normal pace, I can come back & read line to line & be thankful for a life with freedom & choices available! How about you guys? What & How are you spending your time together??


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