The outbreak of the novel coronavirus has created a panic situation worldwide. A lot of events, social gatherings and programs have been postponed or canceled. Planning a dream wedding takes lots of effort and money and time but postponing the same is extremely heartbreaking. If you are the one who falls into the category of to-be-wed this season, we have decided to prioritize your safety and well being.

The Current Scenario…

The whole economy is disturbed due to the spread of coronavirus. It has disrupted lots of weddings, ceremonies, parties and social gatherings. The government around the world is trying to fight this disease by shutting down public places like malls, schools, colleges, temples, railways, and airways. This major shutdown is a matter of concern for all those who have already planned and booked for their upcoming wedding. Try considering the below tips to execute a happy and healthy marriage ceremony.

Having a Wedding Right Away:

This is your big day. Don’t let this novel virus ruin it. Get ready for your wedding and plan it at home itself with a small gathering of family members. Play some good music and enjoy. Have a good photo shoot inside your house. Invite your immediate family and closest relatives over dinner and take their blessings. Trust me you will have the best time and this wedding will be a memory for a lifetime.

Having a wedding after a few months:

Try considering the scope of changing booking venues and packages. You never know what comes up with time. Discuss all the possibilities with your wedding planner of cutting down the invitations and lowering the budget. Make sure to have flexible contracts to make the changes accordingly. Avoid planning destination weddings as it may increase the chances of spreading the virus.

Having a wedding next years:

You have a good amount of time to decide the possibilities. Keeping the contract flexible will allow for last-minute changes in case of any mishaps.

Keep the Impact in Mind:

Be aware and keep a realistic approach. Moving ahead with a closed family function of around 50 members will definitely reduce the risks of the pandemic. But always keep an acceptance that many older people may not be able to attend the same. Canceling the wedding may cost you a lot more than expected. You might not get the whole refund. Talk to your vendors and wedding planners accordingly. Risking anybody’s safety is not a good idea at this point in time.

Be Corona Safe:

If you have planned a small gathering at your home, try to keep the safety first:
• It’s time for Namaste: Avoid handshaking and any physical contact with any guest. Sticking to Namaste is way far safer than hugs.
Sanitize it all Day: If you are hosting a wedding, keep a bottle of sanitizer at the door. Place tissues and sanitizers on every counter and food stalls.
• Ask for Masks: As a host, keep a couple of masks handy. You can also get customized masks to make it a little trendy.

Life is precious and so is your wedding. Please follow all the safety measures this season to avoid any major complications. Have a safe and happy wedding.

wedding covid


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