Giving birth to a child is the most beautiful phase of a woman’s life. Those miraculous nine months, sleepless nights, swollen ankles, body changes, and mood swings all these are no way less than a roller coaster ride for a mom. Delivering a baby might be stressful- no matter, how much we wait for the little kid to arrive. Coping up with new responsibilities, lack of me-time, having a pause in career might be an emotional break out for most of the moms. Many of the new moms usually get filled with countless emotions of joy or sadness right after the delivery. If this sadness becomes severs and lasts for a longer period, it might be a sign of Postpartum Depression. Around 1 in every 7 women, experience PPD.

Postpartum DepressionPostpartum Depression

Symptoms of Postpartum Depression…

1. Long-lasting sadness. Feeling worried or panicked.
2. Crying unnecessarily.
3. Mood swings
4. Anger
5. Feeling hungry or not at all
6. Sleeping too much or too little
7. Not able to concentrate
8. Feeling Lonely
9. Not feeling attached to the baby
10. Not wanting to be around anyone
The above symptoms may vary from women to women and can be easily be coped up with everyday life. Here are some easy tips to follow if you are dealing with PPD.

1. Don’t struggle alone, always seek someone for help: Be it your partner or your mom, always share your feelings with the one you are comfortable with. Being into depression is not your fault and it does not make you a bad parent. Speaking out might help you overcome sadness.

2. Build a strong bond with baby: Emotional bonding with your baby will help your child feel more secure. Close contact with your baby releases oxytocin, a love or cuddle hormone. An increase in this hormone will make you happier and more caring towards the infant.

3. Re-routine the exercises: Physical workout works as an antidepressant and helps women fight anxiety and depression. Design a routine and start working out. Go for a walk with the baby or have a yoga session at home. Do simple workouts and get back in shape. This will boost your confidence and make you happy.

4. Eat healthily: Eating healthy will make you feel better and give your body all the desired nutrients. Plan a healthy diet chart for the week to detoxify your body. Include some whole foods like carrots, paneer, apples, cheese, and peanut butter into meals.

5. Spare time for yourself: After delivering the baby, you may feel bounded and stuck. Let your partner or other members of the family take care of the baby for an hour or two. Make some time for yourself. Do whatever you want. Watch some TV, take a nap, go out for a walk or cook something delicious.

Postpartum depression is not something just to deal with. It is a serious problem that can result in severe complications. Just keep in mind that you are not a failure and you are worth it. Get all the help you need. It’s the best way to take care of yourself and your baby.


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