Every person gains some weight after coming from holidays. This weight loss causes many issues while working. We need to lose that weight. Losing weight can be difficult because results on the scale take time. Your greatest long-term weight loss strategy is a nutritious diet, regular exercise regimen, and portion control. Try the delicious and Healthy Drinks to support you and give you extra punch. They will speed up the fat-burning process and boost your metabolism. Simple ingredients in your kitchen make up these weight-loss cocktails. They are healthy to eat, not a weird concoction promising quick weight loss. The Healthy Drinks are made without artificial sweeteners or excessive amounts of salt, making them beneficial for lowering blood pressure, cholesterol, and sugar levels. Drinking these beverages can also curb hunger, especially between meals.

The best drinks to lose weight:

Lemon ginger tea

Ginger has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. According to some research, it reduces the risk of diabetes and lowers cholesterol. However, it is not a substitute for medical or lifestyle therapy.

Will need: 

  • a small peeled ginger
  • a glass of water
  • Juice of half a freshly squeezed lemon
  • Roasted cumin powder (jeera).

Preparation methods:

  • Mix ginger and water until smooth.
  • After pouring it into a glass, the lemon juice will now be available.
  • mix well
  • Add a little roasted cumin powder, then mix well.
  • You can now enjoy your ginger lemonade.

Jasmine Water

The active ingredient in cumin, known as jeera in English, is thymoquinone. This is a very powerful and useful weight loss strategy. The powerful antioxidant abilities of cumin are also extremely helpful when trying to lose weight. Cumin is very low in calories and can aid digestion and increase your body’s overall metabolism.

Will need:

  • 1/4 cup cumin
  • drink some water

Preparation methods:

  • Cumin seeds can be soaked in a glass of water and left overnight. Just strain it in the morning and consume it pure or with cumin.
  • You can boil cumin seeds with a little water in a saucepan. You can drink the water pure or with cumin after cooling.
  • One of your homemade weight loss drink options is now available.

Cinnamon Flavored Water

Overall blood sugar levels are improved by cinnamon, which may also help with better control. Also, it reduces the effects of fat on the body and helps in overall weight loss.

Will need:

  • A glass of water
  • Two teaspoons of ground cinnamon

Preparation methods:

  • When water is heated in a saucepan, cinnamon powder is added to it.
  • Remove the water from the heat and let it cool.
  • When the water is lukewarm, add freshly squeezed lemon juice to it.
  • Get this powerful weight loss alternative after mixing a drink well.

Mint and Lemon Water

Mint is a very powerful ingredient for weight loss or better weight control. Mint leaves can aid in better digestion and increase your body’s metabolic rate. Mint is a great option to include in drinks if you’re trying to lose weight because it’s very low in calories. Lemon can keep you hydrated, boost your metabolism, and make you feel full. This is one of the best Weight Loss drinks.

Will need:

  • a glass of water
  • a few fresh mint leaves
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice

Preparation methods:

  • Boil the water and the mint leaves in a saucepan.
  • After boiling, please turn off the heat and allow the mixture to cool until it becomes lukewarm.
  • Now pour this water into a glass and add the squeezed lemon juice.
  • If you don’t want to eat mint, you can remove the leaves using a colander, but you can easily consume the leaves to get the benefits.

Black Pepper, Cinnamon or Cinnamon Tea

Cinnamon, or dalchini, generally helps raise blood sugar and may facilitate better control. Also, it reduces the effects of fat on the body and helps in weight loss. Piperine, a substance in large quantities in black pepper, helps in better digestion and generalises metabolism. Lemon can keep you hydrated, boost your metabolism, and make you feel full.

Will need:

  • a glass of water
  • one or two cinnamon sticks
  • the juice of half a freshly squeezed lemon

Preparation methods:

  • Bring the water and cinnamon stick to a boil in a saucepan.
  • When it begins to boil, turn off the heat and allow the mixture to cool until lukewarm.
  • Now strain it into a cup.
  • Also, add freshly squeezed lemon juice and black pepper.
  • Shake well, then consume your homemade weight loss drink.

Fenugreek Water

Fenugreek water is one of the best fat burning drinks. Its seeds help a lot in losing weight. By regularly consuming fenugreek seeds, the body is warmed up. In addition, it helps in weight control and weight loss. In addition, it makes the digestive system stronger and acts as an excellent antacid.


  • First, conduct some water to a cook in a carafe and add some finely press fenugreek seeds to it.
  • After steeping covered for at least 3-5 minutes, use a regular tea strainer to strain the seeds into a cup.

benefits of fenugreek water: 

  • Water of fenugreek is ideal for acidic people. Improves digestion while reducing acidity.
  • Blood sugar levels are highly regulated by fenugreek seeds. However, fenugreek water can also be consumed to control blood sugar.
  • As a result, fenugreek seeds help babies gain weight and increase their ability to breastfeed.
  • Moreover, it helps eliminate toxins and bad things from the body and stimulates normal bowel movements.
  • Fenugreek or fenugreek water helps in weight loss. However, it helps to control and lose weight and increases body temperature when consumed.

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea significantly reduces inflammation and helps with weight loss. Drinking a full cup of warm form chamomile tea before going to  bed can also help you sleep better.


  • First carefully prepare the taken water, then flow it into any glass.
  • The water must hold dried chamomile flowers. Put your lid on the required pan and then wait a minute or two before opening it. If you wish, if you want so you can also add ginger.
  • Finally, strain the tea and flow it into a teacup. Drink hot tea in bed before getting a good night’s sleep.

benefits of chamomile tea: 

  • The antioxidants in chamomile can help any person to sleep better by promoting drowsiness.
  • The most important benefit is that it helps prevent diarrhoea, stomach ulcers, nausea, and gas, likely due to its anti-inflammatory properties.
  • A strong tocopherol named apigenin is establish in chamomile tea. In addition, it reduces inflammation and reduces the risk of developing various types of cancer.
  • Especially when you take this with food, it has Non-steroidal properties that help regulate blood sugar.
  • Plus, it’s a great origin of flavone tocopherol, which are important for improving heart health.

Ginger Tea

One of the best fat burning drinks that works wonders before bedtime is ginger tea. It has a calming and invigorating effect at the same time. Plus, it tastes like fresh ginger, but it offers so much more than just flavour. Relieves indigestion and calms upset stomach.


  • To start making ginger tea, put 1 cup of water and chopped fresh ginger in a saucepan.
  • After boiling, drink it hot. You can also add lemon to it for more flavour and better effect.

benefits of ginger tea:

  • Dizziness, vomiting and chills are some of the symptoms of motion sickness that ginger tea can help with.
  • Plus, it helps reduce nausea caused by chemotherapy, surgery, or pregnancy.
  • Consuming ginger is good for controlling blood sugar and weight.
  • In addition, it reduces swelling and relieves menstrual cramps.
  • The main benefit is that it helps in weight loss, especially when lemon is added to it.


Everyone loves holidays and doesn’t want to get back to work. In these holidays people gain a lot of weight. But we need to get back to the original figure. For this we can take help of the Weight Loss drinks also. In the above article we have shared some drinks which can definitely help you in weight loss.


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