Fruit juices are pretty common, and almost all of us are well-versed in making different kinds of fruit juices. There are a lot of benefits that one reaps by drinking the fruit juices, but, at times, if you are really bored, want a change then, you could try to make some herbal drinks.

There are a lot of medicinal plants available abundantly in nature, and all these plants can be used in the right proportion to make a healthy and tasty drink. These beverages come with a lot of health benefits because almost all herbs have anti-inflammatory, anti-septic, antioxidants properties in them. When all these things are consumed directly, your immune system becomes stronger, and it would develop the ability to combat the disease-causing viruses and bacteria effectively.

healthy herbal drinks

In this article, we have come up with a couple of herbal drink recipes that you can also try making at home.

1. Tulsi juice

Filled with several medicinal properties, Tulsi is one of the most abundantly available herbs. It gives relief from respiratory system disorders and boosts the immune system.

Ingredients required
• Tulsi leaves – 20-30
• Mint leaves – 10 – 15
• Lemon – half slice
• Pepper – 2 numbers
• Sugar – 2 tbsp
• Water – 2 glasses

Blend the Tulsi, peppercorns, and the mint leaves together in a blender. Strain to obtain the decoction. Add water to the obtained mixture and squeeze the lemon to enhance the flavor and also increase the coolant property. Add sugar and stir it well, store in the refrigerator for an hour and serve chilled.

2. Mint juice

Loaded with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, mint leaves are natural coolants. Drinking this juice would help you to stay active throughout the out.

• Mint leaves – 30 – 40
• Sugar – 2 tbsp
• Ginger – ½ slice
• Lemon – ½ slice
• Water – 2 glasses

Wash the mint leaves thoroughly and blend it well along with the ginger slice to obtain a fine decoction. Use the strainer and collect the liquid in a mixing jar. Add sugar and stir it well. Squeeze lemon juice and add some ice cubes and enjoy every sip of this amazing healthy drink.

3. Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe Vera has Vitamin C, and also it is antioxidant in nature. It is also anti-inflammatory. Consuming this juice regularly would cure the inflammations of the digestive system and helps you to develop resistance against disease-causing germs.

• Aloe Vera stems – 2
• Sugar – 2 tbsp
• Cumin powder – 1tsp
• Salt – 1/4 tsp
• Lemon – ½ slice
• Water – 2 glasses

Take fresh Aloe vera stems and slit them to obtain the aloe crystals. Blend it well along with sugar and cumin powder. Strain it well to obtain decoction free of residues. Mix it with water and add sugar and pinch of salt. Stir it well and refrigerate it for a couple of hours or serve immediately with ice cubes.

Well, these are some of the recipes of healthy herbal drinks that we have listed for you. These herbal drinks can be one of the best beverages to consume during summer because it helps in regulating the water content in the body.


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