And here comes the toughest lesson that you are gonna teach your child. Potty training. You may have noticed that you are not getting short of diapers and your little one is staying dry during nap times. These are the little signs that indicate that your little one is ready to get potty training.
Patience and awareness are the two keys to potty training success. Every kid reach to this milestone as per their own pace. Different strategies work with different children but their are few tips that generally lead to success.
Know if your toddler is ready
Don’t rush mamas. Know if your baby is developentally ready for potty training. Even best tactics fail when your child isn’t ready. Here are some signs that show your baby is all set to get trained:
1. Using fewer daipers: Toddlers pee frequently but if you notice that they are staying dry for more that two hours means that they are developing bladder control and are now getting ready for potty training.
2. More regular bowel movements: When your child starts showing signs of peeing or pooping verbally or through facial expressions, its the correct time to start potty training.
3. Your child doesn’t like dirty diapers: When your baby doesn’t like to hang out in dirty diapers. Congo mama, she is now ready to use the potty. Start training her asap.
When to start potty training
Pushing your child before 2 years is pointless. Kids generally aren’t ready before they turn 2 and some of them wait until 3½. So do not push your child before he is ready and be patient. Every child is different and will anyway start it at some point.
Tips to prepare your child for potty training: These are the tips that can help you to train your tot.
1. Highlight the benefits of using toilets: Tell the positivity about potty training. Like you might say, wearing underpants is fun, or you can also flush like mommy and daddy. But do not teach them that diapers are dirty or call their old habits babyish as it could provoke and resist your baby from learning.
2. Those bathroom talks : Use formal words like urinate, defecate rather that using slangs. Also, don’t refer the contents as gross or smelly. Tell them that elimination is a natural and non- yucky process.
3. Dress for potty training : Dress your toddler in right and comfortable potty training clothes. Go for pants that pull up and down faster instead of those tricky rompers and buttoned pants. Ask your toddler to pull down the pants and pull up again after done.
4. Show your kid how to use potty: Explain your child how to wipe flush. Teach them how to squat and sit on the potty seat. For an efficient training, bring her to bathroom and demonstrate.
5. Choose the right potty seat: Choose the model that is comfortable and durable. You can also buy a potty seat that simply attaches to the toilet. Look for a stable fit as the shaky seat could be harmful.
Potty training is a huge milestone and a rollercoaster ride for many parents. Even the most enthusiastic kid takes time to master the skill. So, be patient. Have a good luck!
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