The first festival of the year 2021 is knocking our doors and it is the time of the year when the festive vibes can be felt everywhere from decorated houses to lit up places of worship to kite flying and preparation of traditional delicacies, Makar Sankranti is here and it is the time to celebrate the first festival of the year with happiness and joy.

So, we want to keep you updated with some delicious and easy traditional Makar Sankranti recipes that are amazing and have lots of health benefits. The major ingredient used in Makar Sankranti traditional recipes is til or sesame. Consuming til on Makar Sankranti is considered religious and have scientific reasons. As per the Hindu mythology, Til originates from Lord Vishnu’s body and is said to wash away all the sins. Til keeps the body warm and is good for heart as well. Here are some yummy til recipes to try out this Makar Sankranti.

1. Til Laddoo : A maharashtrian sweet delicacy that is served majorly during Makar Sankranti. A very simple recipe that is made by basic ingredients til, gur, peanuts and ghee.
● 1 ¼ cup sesame seeds
● 1 tbsp ghee
● 1 ¼ cup roughly chopped jaggery
● 1 ¼ cup roasted and crushed peanuts
● ½ tsp cardomom powder

1. To make til laddoo, heat a broad non stick pan. Add til and dry roast on a slow flame for 5-8 minutes stirring continuously.
2. Heat ghee in a deep non stick pan, add jaggery, mix well and cook on slow flame for 4 minutes.
3. Add sesame seeds, peanuts and cardomom powder. Mix well and cook on slow flame for 1 minute.
4. Transfer the mixture into a greased pan and cool it slightly.
5. Take small portions of the.mixture and make small roundels out of it.
6. Allow the laddoos to cool and store in an air tight container.

2. Chocolate Sesame Barfi: Sankranti is celebrated with some good food, and specifically with ‘Til’ ladoo (sesame balls). Traditionally Til laddo is made with only two ingredients—sesame seeds, and jaggery. But I have a better version which is loved by kids, this barfi has the goodness of nuts and dates. Very quick and eay recipe that can be made in jiffy.
● ½ cup roasted peanuts
● ½ cup roasted sesame
● ½ cup dessicated coconut
● 1 cup chopped dark chocolate
● 1 cup fresh deseeded dates
● ¼ cup almonds
● ¼ cup raisins
● 1 tsp vanilla extract
● ¼ cup honey

1. Put all the ingredients into a blender and blend well. Your mixture should be sticky at this point. If it is too dry, add honey to make it sticky.
2. Grease a square tray and spread the mixture in it. Let is set for half hour.
3. Now cut the barfi into diamond shapes and serve.

What are you planning to make on this Sankranti. Laddoos or Barfi? Do let us know in comments and share your cooking experiences with us.

Have a safe and happy Sankranti!!


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