In the world we live in today, with easy access to the internet, kids are shown different types of media from a very young age. They see a lot of different things on their screens, but violent content is very common. It makes parents worry about how it might affect children’s growth and development. 

This article explains how on-screen violence can hurt kids. It gives parents, teachers and careers help to see the issues better so they can deal with it properly. If it’s a fight in a kid’s cartoon or violent scenes from video games and movies, we should know how this can affect the mind of young people.

Why does on-screen violence impact children?

They show violence as power:

The main issue with violence on screens is it usually makes aggression look fun and normal, giving a cool image of power. Kids like strong characters, and when they see their favorite heroes using violence to fix problems it may make them think this is okay. Studies have found out that kids who watch violent content often act more aggressively in their own life than those not watching it.

They desensitize children:

Seeing violence many times can make a kid’s normal feelings less strong and keep them from feeling the sorrow of others. This is because on-screen fighting often shows things in an overblown way, making kids think it’s not real. So, they might get used to violence and see the world wrong. It’s tough for them to feel with others in these situations.

Aggressive role models:

When it comes to screen violence, kids often see their favorite characters as examples of how they should act. If it’s a hero or bad guy, these people can really affect how kids act and think. If the character uses anger to fix problems, kids might copy this behavior in real life because they think it’s okay for solving fights

Impact of on-screen violence among 3 to 7 years old:

Seeing violence on TV can affect young kids a lot, especially between ages 3 to 7. These important years are when kids start to learn and copy the world they live in. But, their understanding of real versus virtual situations is still growing. This can cause trouble when they see violent things on TV, maybe making them want to do the same things in real life.

Moreover, kids this age are very easy to influence and often believe what they watch. If good things happen because of violence on screen, like the character wins their goal by using force, kids might think that being violent is a path to success. This can badly harm their ability to solve problems, making them more likely for violence in real-life situations.

Effect of on-screen violence on 7 to 11 years old children:

As kids get older and are between 7 to 11, their thinking skills improve. This lets them see the difference between true stories and make-believe ones better. But, spending a lot of time watching screen violence can still change how they see social actions and problem solving. If young kids regularly see violence on-screen without grownup help to understand what they are seeing, they might think it’s normal.

Also, being constantly shown violent content can make kids in this age group less sensitive to the real-life effects of violence. They might not care so much about the feelings and troubles of people around them, getting more likely to see violence as a right way to take power over people. So, it’s very important to watch and help kids with their media use during these early years. This is needed so they can better understand the world around them in a balanced way.

Tips for parents to help their children with on-screen violence:

Set Clear Ground Rules:

Set up simple rules about the kind of videos your kid can see. Keep them away from violent consumption and make sure the shows they watch are okay for their age. It’s key to tell your kid these rules and make them understand why certain TV shows or films aren’t right for them.

Encourage Active Viewing:

Instead of just watching, get your child to take part with what they’re learning. Ask questions about the person’s actions and behaviors, talk about what else might have been done. This active engagement can help your child learn how to think for themselves and not see the violence on-screen as the only option.

Provide Context:

Help your kid understand that what they see on the screen is often not like real life. Show that doing things can cause problems, and in real life when someone behaves violently it often ends badly. Furthermore, tell us about the idea of special effects and how violence can be shown in a different way on movies or TV shows compared to real life situations.

Foster Empathy:

Teach your child about feeling for others and being kind. Encourage them to think about how the victims of on-screen violence might be feeling. Help them fight the effects of violent media by increasing empathy. Furthermore, it can help kids learn more about and respect others.

Promote Alternative Entertainment:

Support other types of fun like reading, playing games or doing outdoor activities. These choices can give your kid a better view and lessen their need for screen-based fun. Join with your kid in these tasks to make them more fun and interesting.

Also read about:  Follow These Tips to Ensure Your Kid Is Not Under Academic Pressure

Monitor Media Consumption:

It’s key to keep an eye on how much media your child uses and put limits on time spent in front of screens. Watch what they are watching. If you see signs of upset or changed behavior after seeing violent things, it might be time to step in and help. Remember to check movie and TV show ratings for age-appropriate suggestions.

To summarize, it’s important for us as parents or guardians to teach kids about the serious bad things that can happen from watching violence on screens. Giving background, building empathy thoughts, encouraging different fun and watching what media your kid consumes are important ways to stop them from being numb to violence. So, spend more them with kids especially when they consume digital media to keep a check



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