Hey there parents! Have you ever entered a room and caught the back of your teenager on the phone screaming in another language? Or perhaps you glanced at your child’s texts and figured for sure that it would take a secret decoder ring to understand? Fear not! Teen language is making you a little confused, and it’s not just about you!

We are here to be your helpful next door translator, decoding the latest slang and lingo so you can keep up with what’s going on. This article is a parent’s best resource for understanding teen slang and lingo.

What is slang and lingo?

Slang refers to words or phrases that are non-standard, used only with a particular stratum of society. It can refer to regional, cultural or age-related topics. However, lingo is more specific and denotes the special language people use in a particular industry or hobby. We’ll talk about teenage slang and lingo, which is constantly changing.

Teens use slang to communicate with each other in a way that feels like something only they can do. It is an integral aspect of their social life and enables them to stand apart from adults. Also, it becomes a bonding medium as well as helps them feel that they belong someplace.

It then becomes essential to know your teen’s slang and lingo because it gives you the chance of peeking into their world, enabling you to understand them better. In addition to that, if you introduce some of the fashionable words into a conversation with your teenager, it is possible for eliminating barriers in communication thus enabling them to open up more freely and reveal anything.

Parents also need to ensure that your teenager is using appropriate language. Now, let’s look at some of the slang terms commonly used by teens today. In this regard, it should be said that new words and phrases are always emerging so do not take the list as a complete one.

Common slang and lingo popular among teens


Bae is a baby talk, it means someone you really love, your partner or even just a buddy. It means “before anyone else ” and is frequently used as a hashtag in social media posts. It’s a word used by many teens and has even entered mass media. Below are some examples of how to use word bae:

  • She is my bae.
  • Enjoying my day with bae! #baegoals
  • What about the lovely way she and her bae looked at that party?


Teens may use the Japanese word “baka,” which means stupid or idiot in English, referring to something funny among friends. It has been popularized through anime and now it’s gradually seeped into everyday teens Ie jargon.

  • You’re such a baka!
  • Why, baka you know that I didn’t mean it seriously.


It’s a popular slang word that can describe someone or something fancy, elegant or luxurious. It is commonly used to refer to someone who acts like they are trying too hard at being rich or classy. Additionally, it can signify something pricey or extravagant.

  • Have you seen her new car? She’s so Baujee now.
  • That party was so Baujee that I felt out of place in my regular clothes.


The word cap means something that is not true or lies. It is a short form of the word “cap” that means to lie or exaggerate. It is rather widely used among teens, in particular when someone says something that sounds too great to be true.

  • That whole story about having caught the big fish is total cap.
  • The party was meant to be a fire, but it turned out to be a total cap.


It could be about the number of people following one, being popular or having an ability to get attention and influence on others.

  • She has 100k+ followers on Instagram, such a clout.
  • He is constantly trying to raise his clout through meeting the most popular kids.


Dub stands for a win or victory in slang terms. It’s frequently found in competitions, such as sports or video games. The word derived from the letter W, which means a win and developed into dub.

  • Last night, we finally clobbered our rival team. It was a big dub.
  • Watch me take this game and get that dub starting now.


CEO in teens means “Chief Executive Officer”. However, it is not used in conventional terms. Instead, it is usually used to describe someone who can do something very well or who has an automatic right to lead with their friends.

  • She’s some party CEO, always lit.
  • He’s just 16 years but he already is a CEO on the basketball court.


Shook has a connotation for being shocked or surprised in an unfavorable way. It became popular on social media and is often used by teenagers as a sign of disbelief.

  • When I saw her with another dude, I was shook.
  • Have you heard about the new dress code? I’m shook, this sucks.


Flex means to parade or brag about something, usually material wealth or achievements. It can also be used as a verb which means to make an effort or try hard.

  • She is always flaunting her designer clothes on Instagram.
  • I really needed to stretch my mathematical abilities in order to pass that test.


GOAT means “Greatest Of All Time” and super-talented or successful person from any field, and teenagers love to say it as a congratulation among mates.

  • Beyonce is the GOAT, she has been doing great for all these years.
  • We need to GOAT about our plans for the weekend, it’s going to be epic.

Also read about: Follow These Effective Tips for Teaching Money Management to Kids

To summarize, slang and lingo keep changing among teenagers. Parents should maintain open channels of communication with their children and it is essential to be informed on the language used. By knowing their jargon and lingo, parents are able to relate better with their teens as they know the world from a closer perspective. So don’t be shy of asking your teen what some words or phrases mean – they may see that you are willing to understand them. Just keep in mind that languages are constantly evolving and what is hot right now may not be so popular a few months down the road, stay informed and continue with your learning!


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