This is not just a story but a Journey I am sharing with you all! It is full of ups and downs. It’s Relatable and quite emotional!

PCOS or PCOD is common in almost 7 women out of 10. It makes a woman’s life tougher. Living with PCOD is as difficult as running with weight on shoulders. It took me 18 years to finally get Rid of this syndrome and Here I am sharing my story.

How did It start?

It started when I was 14. I got my first period then! I was scared after listening to the stories of periods from my friends who got their periods early. One thing which was common in their stories was that Periods come every month. But mine was different.

My second cycle took 6 months and then my mother took me to a Gynec for the first time. As my second cycle lasted for 1 month and I was drained! Gynec prescribed me some medicines and I was at peace finally. But with me, nothing seemed normal. I started getting acne and unusual hair growth on the parts of the body. I got chubbier. In all these things my periods were still not coming on time.

Neither my mother nor I was able to understand what was going on with my menstrual cycle. I was not having enough knowledge as I was a teen and back then there were lesser resources as compared to today. Apart from a few friends who were of my age I could not discuss this issue with anyone.

When you are strangled in one situation and you don’t have any knowledge then it is way more difficult to handle.

My journey with PCOS

As I entered in my 18th year I have figured out that something with me is not normal. As now I could ride my scooter I visited gynaecologist on my own. To my surprise every time I visited the gynaecologist I was given the contraceptive pills to regulate my cycle. I don’t know the number of tablets I had taken to get a cure for my syndrome.

I even tried Ayurveda but nothing worked for me. One thing which was common in all my visits to the gynec was their statement, “once you will get married things will fall on the place.” Though I could never understand it I used to believe them.

It never falls on a place even after I got married. Now thanks to PCOS I was also suffering from infertility. For me it was the second phase of visiting gynec but this time to get pregnant.

Several reports sonography fees injections and even surgeries were done so that I can have babies. Luckily only after 5 months of treatment, I conceived twins.

How I got rid of PCOS?

As they say, miracles happen this is that miracle for me. In March 2020 when India was about to get locked down my township was already declared in lockdown. Since then till today no entries from outside a Township is allowed.

Due to this, I started working rigorously to manage my home and kids. As we were not allowed to go outside my junk food intake also reduced. As no domestic help was available for us I was compelled to work round the clock which made me exercise.

I was so frustrated Bing in the home whole day that I I started taking out time for walks. Those 30 minutes walk help me to relieve my stress.

Ultimately the whole situation turned out as a blessing in disguise for me. Today I have got a cycle of 28 days which was never so. Despite eating everything I want to, I am not putting up weight. I have got a stable emotional state now as compared to earlier. I feel fresh and thankful all the time.

So this was my journey with PCOS. I am determined to carry on the same lifestyle so that PCOS never comes back to me.

A takeaway

PCOS is a lifestyle disease and with small steps and efforts, it can surely be cured. It may take time but its not Forever.


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