Saw two pink lines on the pregnancy test kit? Congratulations and welcome to Motherhood. Becoming a mother is one of the biggest joys of the world. You get so emotionally attached to the little creature growing inside you that you forget the outside world. Getting pregnant is indeed the most wonderful feeling. But if you are pregnant for the first time, you must know how your body changes during the first month of the pregnancy. Apart from the signs and symptoms you must be precautions and follow all the tips needed for the first month of pregnancy.

Being newly pregnant can be confusing: nausea and mood swings can make you feel low. But there is no need to worry, we have got you all covered. In this article, we will talk about the signs and care advice that will help you cruise smoothly through the first month of your pregnancy.

Signs of Early Pregnancy

Pregnancy symptoms vary from woman to woman. Some have nausea, some get headaches. But the common symptoms that every woman experiences are:
● Missed Period
● Slight Spotting
● Tender breasts
● Mood swings
● Frequent Urination
● Tiredness
● Morning Sickness
● Heartburn and acidity
● Hunger Pangs
● Headaches

First Month Pregnancy Care Tips

Once your pregnancy is confirmed, you must take care of yourself to have a healthy and smooth pregnancy. During the first month, you need to be extra safe. So, here are some tips for the first month of pregnancy.

#1. Prenatal Care and Appointments

Start a prenatal care routine, which should include taking your vitamin supplements. Folic acid is the most important supplement that you may start taking as soon as you plan to get pregnant until conception. Folic acid will help you have a healthy pregnancy and also lower your baby’s risk of developing any defects.

You may start planning for your prenatal appointments with your doctor. Choosing a good doctor whom you can believe is very important. You may also take references from family and friends for the same.

#2. Increase your Liquid Intake

It is very important to stay hydrated during pregnancy as dehydration may lead to difficulties. The nicest way to stay hydrated is by boosting your daily water intake. You may put an alarm that reminds you to drink water. Alternatively, you may drink fruit juices, vegetable juices, or soups to up your fluid intake.

#3. Exercise

A little exercise never hurts. It is important to be physically active and healthy. You should do mild exercises to encourage your body to work properly during pregnancy. Walking is the ideal way to exercise without causing any unfair effort to the body. However, it is best to get in touch with your doctor before following any exercising routine.

#4. Get good Sleep

As your body is undergoing a lot in pregnancy, you may feel exhausted at that time. Therefore, it is very important to get ample rest and sleep when you are pregnant, to regain your lost energy.

#5. Eat More Fibrous Foods

The altering hormones may lead to constipation. Therefore, it is recommended that you involve more fibrous foods in your diet. Legumes, leafy vegetables, cereals, and sprouts are good ways of eating fibrous foods.

#6. Stay Positive

Try to stay positive throughout the pregnancy. It is one of the most essential tip for the first-month pregnancy care.
Both your physical and mental health can impact your unborn child. Listen to good music, read a book and do whatever makes you happy.


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