Nowadays, young girls and women are struggling with these major hormonal disorders. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Hyperthyroidism lead to many problems in ladies including pregnancy issues, conseption, obesity and skin problems. I have been getting many emails from young girls and women fighting these disorders and looking for answers on what to eat when you have PCOS or Hypothyroidism. Through this blog, I am going to deliver some advice on clearing the misconceptions and breaking the myths about diets. Its time to start taking your health seriously and plan a proper meal plan for yourself.


Breakfast is indeed the most important meal of the day. I have been a breakfast person from the very beginning. Having a big healthy breakfast may sometimes cause hyper acidity and acid reflux. So have small and lighter meals for breakfast. Here are some easy breakfast recipes that are quick to make and easy to digest.

1. Overnight oats : The easiest option if you want your breakfast to be quick and the easiest. Mix old fashioned rolled oats, chia seeds. raisins, fig, coconut milk/ almond milk and ripe banana. Keep this jar in fridge overnight. You can even get creative by adding berries, dried nuts, seeds as per time and availability of ingredients in kitchen.

2. Smoothies: When you forget to prepare overnight oats or want to have something different from your regular meal other than oats. Smoothies are quick and easy thing to prepare in morning. You can make it in any flavor depending on the mood and craving. You can also use plant based protein powdee from trusted brands. Add a scoop of protein powder with water and add any fruit of your choice to the smoothie. You can add veggies and fruits if you want to detox your body.

3. Fruits : Raw fruits like apples, oranges, pears, berries, plum etc are a good option for breakfast.


For lunch you can stick with a subtle and regular diet. You can have a bowl of lentils, vegetable sabji and 2-3 mutli grain rotis with salad and curd. You can include all the spices like garam masala, dhania powder, haldi powder, heeng and ginger garlic paste in lunch. You should avoid using soya beans and soy products due to thyroid issue. Add legumes and lentils to diet as they are full of anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals. They help nourish our body with vitamin B, iron, folate and magnesium.
Other Lunch Options
● Semolina appe with lots of veggies
● Besan chilla
● Chickpea salad
● Quinoa Salad
● Barley and tomato salad
● Idli sambhar or dosa sambhar


For dinner, you can stick to your staple diet of khichdi, veggies curry and a side dish of salad. You can even have a bowl of fancy salad or soups for dinner. Keep your portion in control and eat a small and lighter meal during night hours.

● Dal rice
● Plain khichdi with veggie sabji
● Rice curry
● Besan Chilla
● Veggie Khichadi
● Rice with veggie sabji

Keep in mind to have your last meal 2 hours before bed time as this will have enough time for digestion. Do not drink water immediately after meals as it may result to bloating and indigestion.

Read nextDiet Plan for Babies


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