Children typically begin teething between the ages of 4 and 7 months and have 20 “baby teeth” by three. Teething symptoms include minor agitation, a low-level temperature, drooling, and a desire to chew anything complex.

There’s nothing more problematic than a teething infant in the middle of the night when they start crying uncontrollably, and we can’t seem to soothe the baby. Teething is how teeth emerge from the gums in the mouths of newborns and young children. This causes children agony and can keep them and their parents awake all night. In this post, we’ll look at ways to cope with the teething problems in infants and very young kids.

The period of teething

Teething usually starts developing between the ages of 6 and 8 months, and it may be postponed by a month or two in some circumstances. All the twenty infant teeth should be coming out when a kid is 30 months or 36 months old, which equals three years. You should maintain a Baby Teeth Chart to keep a watch. Some youngsters do not exhibit any teeth until they are considerably older than eight months, but this phenomenon is also expected and nothing to worry about.

The two lower incisors are frequently the first to emerge, and next to grow out or appear are generally the upper incisors. The rest of the incisors break out, followed by the upper and lower molars, canines, and other molars, and upper and lower lateral follow. By the end of the 3rd year, your Baby Teeth Chart progress report should show that all the 20 teeth should have come out.

How do we differentiate between fever due to teething?

Drooling and newborns rubbing whatever they find and can put between their gums are common early symptoms of teething. Babies facing teething problems might be grumpy, cry, have trouble sleeping, and become very irritable about the suffering they are going through.

Some infants may have a low-grade fever which will be less than 101 degrees Fahrenheit. However, If your kid has a fever of 101 degrees or higher, diarrhoea, or a runny nose, it is most likely due to a virus, not teething. In this way, we can differentiate teething fever from other fevers in toddlers.

How to ease your baby’s discomfort while teething?

Give your baby anything they can chew and gnaw on, but they will not swallow. A hard rubber toy, a soft toothbrush, a fabulous ring, or a cool cloth are acceptable alternatives. Sips of cold water if the child is more than six months old. You can also give a frozen banana or berries if your baby has started having solid food. Trying to ease the pain without any medication should be the goal.

What are the treatments to avoid during teething?

Anklets, teething necklaces, and bracelets are all options one needs to avoid during teething problems. These objects are dangerous because they can cause choking, strangling, oral damage, and over-the-counter infection medications, such as homeopathic teething pills.

The effectiveness of teething pills and topical gels is not effective by any research, which might prove risky for your child. In recent years, lab testing and analysis of several homeopathic treatments revealed higher-than-expected levels of the chemical belladonna, which may induce seizures and difficulties breathing.

Cleaning the tooth

When the first set of teeth shows, begin cleaning it away with a towel or toothbrush. Parents of children under three should brush their child’s teeth twice a day with a tiny smear of fluoride toothpaste.


We have seen in detail the problems toddlers and infants face while they are teething. We have also seen how, as parents, you can deal with it. We have read about things to do and stuff to avoid. If your kid is around three by now, the baby teeth chart should show all the 20 teeth that should have come out. We hope you found this article informative and valuable to you.


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