Breastfeeding is a significant journey that comes with its beauty along with unavoidable moments of challenge. This bond helps to create an effective link between the mother and baby, where the baby receives much-needed essential nutrients to build up their immune system from birth. 

Knowing just a handful of basic rules can thus be quite helpful during this journey that often involves certain uncertainties, particularly for a first-time mother. This guide will cover the breastfeeding rules that every mum ought to know while taking care of their baby to help you enjoy raising your child.

Why is breastfeeding important for both mother and newborn baby?

Breast milk is filled with important nutrients, antibodies, and other essential components for providing protection to newborns against various diseases and infections. It also contributes to the good growth and health of children, decreasing the chances of obese individuals developing later in life.

Moreover, breastfeeding is also comforting, leading to a close emotional attachment between the mother and her infant. It aids in postpartum recovery, minimizing chances of postpartum hemorrhage and promoting weight reduction for mothers. This reduces one’s chances of developing breast and ovarian cancer, as well as osteoporosis.

Golden Breastfeeding Rules Every Mother Should Follow

Every breastfeeding experience of a mother is different; that’s why there isn’t any uniform way about it. Nevertheless, some rules could be helpful for most mothers in order to have a positive and enjoyable encounter.

Be open-minded:

The mother and baby learn together while breastfeeding. Try out different positions and techniques to discover your preference that comforts your baby. Lactation consultants or experienced mothers should be asked for assistance if necessary. Additionally, it could be helpful for you to join a support group where you can interact with other breastfeeding women at your breast milk feeding stage or experience.

One should also look up various breastfeeding myths, which are numerous, and therefore, it is necessary to check them out to get dependable data. Always remember that no two mothers’ experiences are the same; thus, do not rely solely on what your friends and family say. So, remain receptive and rely upon yourself.

Follow a healthy diet:

Breastfeeding mothers need healthy, balanced food in their diets. In order for your body to produce milk for your baby, it requires extra calories and nutrients. Eat a variety of colorful, nutrient-dense foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats and healthy oils. In addition, keep yourself hydrated with a lot of water.

Do not consume alcoholic drinks, caffeine, and foods that are spicy or contain gas because they may be transferred through breast milk into your baby’s body and make him/her uncomfortable. Speak to your healthcare provider for individual dietary advice. If that does not work, then it is recommended that you change your diet, consulting with professionals if needed.

Learn how to hold baby correctly:

Your comfort and milk supply may be greatly influenced by how you hold your baby while breastfeeding. This may cause sore nipples, congestion in the breasts, or an inadequate supply of breastmilk. Cradle hold, cross-cradle hold, football hold, and side-lying position are some of the commonly used breastfeeding positions that can be adopted.

When feeding, make sure that your baby faces your breast with her or his nose right against your nipple. Hold your breast in one hand and use the other hand to support your baby’s head and neck. Ensure your baby’s mouth is wide and that it latches on to the areola rather than just the nipple.

Burp your baby regularly:

Babies often swallow air when breastfeeding, causing discomfort and gas. In order to release the retained gas, you may burp your baby following every meal and save some minutes of happiness. Rub your baby’s back gently or place them sitting on your lap by holding their head and chest.

If your baby hasn’t burped after some time, change his position and try burping again. Let them keep on suckling if they do not burp yet. Some babies require to be burped more often, so listen to their signals and offer them to burp when necessary.

Understand cluster feeding:

Cluster feeding refers to a condition whereby a baby would want to feed more frequently than normal. This can occur with growth spurts or at night when babies are more restless. Don’t worry about your baby demanding to breastfeed several times within a short period, as this is considered normal since it helps increase milk supply during cluster feeding.

Feed your baby following their signals whenever they show signs of hunger. Do not put limits on the cluster feeding because it may affect your breast milk production negatively. However, relax a little bit by organizing yourself some snacks and water close by and allowing yourself to bond with the baby.

To summarize, breastfeeding might not be easy for first-time mothers, but by keeping the above hints abreast, breastfeeding may turn out to be pleasant and fulfilling to both the mother and the child. If they do not work, however, remember that help can be called upon from a lactation consultant or your healthcare provider.


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