Easter bunnies, candy, baskets, and clothes with frills are all fun, but there is so much more to Easter than that. Easter Symbols and What They Mean Easter eggs, chocolate Easter candy, the Easter Bunny, jellybeans, and lilies have meanings. If you want to know what Easter means spiritually, you’ve come to the right place.
Even though it’s fun to think about Cadbury eggs and cute bunnies, Easter is about so much more than that. The spiritual meaning of Easter comes from the fact that Jesus of Nazareth was raised from the dead. God the Father sent Jesus into the world so people could be rescued from their sins and the consequent mortality that sin brings. Jesus’ rising allows those who trust and follow him to be protected and raised again.
What does Easter mean?
Easter, Meaning in Bible, is a time to remember that Jesus came out of his tomb three days after being crucified. Easter is when a promise about how the Messiah would be persecuted, die for our sins, and resurrection from the grave by day three occurred. Remembering that Jesus rose from the dead gives us hope daily to beat corruption. The New Testament says Easter is 3 days after Jesus died on the cross.
Lent, a time of fasting, comes before Easter. During Lent, many churches set aside time for repentance and remembering. The Lenten season begins on Ash Wednesday. Good Friday, the day Jesus was crucified, is the last. Pope Gregory 1 set the 40 days by looking at how Israel, Elijah, Moses, and Jesus spent 40 days in the desert. In the week leading up to Easter, Christians commemorate the events of Palm Sunday (the day Jesus entered Jerusalem), Maundy Thursday (the day Jesus enjoyed Passover with his disciples at the “Last Supper”), and Good Friday (the day Jesus was crucified on the cross).
Easter is a very important day for Christians because it is the beginning of their faith. Jesus, the Son of God, did what the Bible said he would do. Through his death, he gave those who believe in his death and rise the gift of eternal life in heaven. Read the Bible’s full story of Easter Day in Matthew 28, Luke 24, and Mark 16.
What is the link between Easter and Passover?
Jesus celebrated Passover with his friends the day before he was put to death. This is called “the Last Supper.” During Passover, Jews remember how they were set free and left Egypt. During this Passover meal, Jesus told his friends that the bread represents his body, which would be broken, and the wine represents his blood, which would be poured out for the forgiveness of sins.
People still talk about the Last Supper in churches and religious events when they take Communion and share bread and wine to remember what Jesus did for us. Jesus was born in the Garden of Gethsemane while he was praying after the Passover meal. He was then brought to Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor, to be tried. Traditions of Christians and Pagans During Lent, Easter Sunday and Holy Week, people follow many customs.
The Easter bunny, coloured eggs, gift baskets, and flowers are all practices that are usually done everywhere.
Below, we’ll talk more about individual traditions, but here are a few more interesting ones from around the world: In Australia, bunnies are seen as pests that destroy land and crops. Aussies celebrate, with the Bible, a native mammal with big ears and a more pointed nose. On Easter Monday in Poland, boys try to soak people in water buckets.
This custom goes back to Easter Monday, April 1, 996, when Polich Prince Mieszko was baptized. In Greece, people throw pots out of their windows on the morning of Holy Saturday, known as “pot throwing.” It is a custom to celebrate spring’s start and gather new crops in new pots. Easter Fires are big bonfires lit in Europe on Easter Sunday and Monday. The Saxons thought that if they lit fires, winter would go away, and Easter would bring spring.
When is Easter 2023?
Easter is on Sunday, April 9, 2023. This Paschal full moon is the first full moon following the vernal equinox, and Easter is celebrated the Sunday after this moon. Since the date of the spring equinox changes from year to year, it can take time to figure out the right date. This is still how Easter is calculated, which is why Easter comes earlier in some years.
How important is Easter?
Jesus came to earth as God and a human being to bring light, life, and a way for people to get closer to God. God wanted Jesus to die on the cross so sin’s power would die in us. But it was also in God’s plan for Jesus to be raised from the dead so we could spend eternity with him. Christianity would not exist if Christ were not raised from the dead. Jesus’ death and rising are so important that everything in the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, points to them. For us to be living in Christ is the most important part of God’s plan.
Easter symbol
Easter Bunny
The Easter bunny is a pagan custom that not all Christian groups follow, but it is a big part of Easter in most Western Christian worlds, especially the US. It is a classic sign of spring and fertility.
Easter Eggs
Out of all the Easter customs that aren’t Christian, the most common is making Easter eggs. They have nothing to do with Christianity or Jesus’ rising, but they were a part of the pagan springtime holiday in the north and east Europe.
Easter Candy
Lent, which comes before Easter, is a time when sweets and chocolate are not allowed. So Lent followers can finally have a bite of a chocolate bunny on Easter morning. (or gooey chocolate egg, or whatever your favourite Easter treat, maybe).
Easter Parade
The Easter march is an important part of American culture. It is a procession of happy walkers on Easter Sunday. Most of the time, it is a casual, unplanned event, with or without sacred meaning.
Lamb and Other Traditional Easter Foods
The lamb is by far the most important Easter image. People say that the lamb represents Jesus because it is pure and good but also means suffering. There are also Easter ham, Easter bread, and hot cross buns.
Easter Lilies and Flowers
With its beautiful white flowers, the Easter lily is a sign of life, purity, innocence, joy, and peace. Before Jesus Christ, these qualities were linked to the lily’s beautiful white flowers.
Finding Out What Easter Is About
Easter has become a very secular holiday in the United States. Jesus isn’t discussed much, and nothing else concerns the Christian faith. Dressing up, food, candy, and bunnies, especially fun for kids, have moved to the front of the stage. For those who believe, respecting the real meaning and teaching our children to do the same is important. Many of us will spend Easter at home with only our closest relatives this year. It’s a good time to think about how strong and beautiful Christ’s message of salvation and hope is.
Easter isn’t just about how Jesus rose from the dead. Easter is a time to celebrate our new life because of him. We believe that if we died with Christ, we would also live with him. We are free from sin, death, and being judged. Because of Jesus, we can greet God as “Father.” In honor of Jesus’ resurrection and the beautiful promises He made to those who believe in Him, billions of Christians around the world are celebrating Easter today.
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