Breast milk is, without a doubt, the best diet for the infant, whether fed by one breast or both. In addition to providing nutrients, it is abundant in elements that aid in the newborn’s immune development and disease prevention. For the first six months after birth, infants should only be breastfed. Both you and your baby will benefit from breastfeeding in terms of health. Here are a few advantages for both you and your child.

There are various techniques for breastfeeding. You can alternate sides to nurse on both breasts at each feeding, or you can only use one side. It depends on your preference and that of your infant. Breastfeeding from just one side is not a problem, especially if your milk production is established. Only the option is best for you and your unborn child in terms of health. According to doctors, boobs suck is always good for healthy baby.


Despite what you may have heard, nursing exclusively from one breast has certain benefits.

1. Sufficient nutrition

Is my child getting enough nutrition? Is the most frequently asked question by mothers exclusively breastfeeding from one breast? If you are still in the early stages of breastfeeding, you may be making enough milk, so your baby can get by with just one feeding.

2. Comfy Eating

Many newborns suckle to feel more at ease; nursing from just one breast is preferable in these situations.

3. Mother’s Choice

Making the infant latch onto one breast makes feeding simpler for many mothers. In such situations, mothers prefer to nurse their babies from the breast that is most comfortable for them.

Click here to learn how to help a baby latch for breastfeeding.

4. Regular Feeding

Some infants may need to be fed up to 20 times daily. If feeding occurs frequently, the amount will decrease with each feeding. The baby needs to be breastfed alone in these situations. The infant might only receive the foremilk—the early, calorie-dense milk—and not enough hindmilk if you continually switch the breasts. Boobs suck will give your baby a healthy life.

5. Hungry Infants

The baby will need to breastfeed if they are thirsty to quench its thirst. In these situations, one breastfeeding session is sufficient.

  • Your supply of breast milk is excessive. Breastfeeding on one side during each meal, or even the same side for several feedings in a row can help reduce the amount of breast milk produced on the opposite side if you have an excessive supply.
  • Your infant has colic. Nursing on both breasts might cause colic symptoms (particularly if you have an ample milk supply). Breastfeeding your infant on one breast at each feeding may assist in alleviating symptoms such as fussiness, gassiness, rapid weight gain, and green poop.
  • Your infant prefers to nurse at the breast. Some infants will exclusively latch on to one breast and reject the other. Don’t worry if your baby exhibits a preference; most infants can obtain adequate breast milk from a single breast.

Pros and Cons of Breastfeeding from One Breast Only


While nursing exclusively from one side has no significant drawbacks, there are a few minor inconveniences that could occur:

1. Size Difference

One breast will produce more milk than the other if the baby prefers one over the other and refuses to feed from it, resulting in a pronounced size differential between the breasts.

2. Awkwardness

There may be some lopsidedness in the breasts if the infant is exclusively breastfed from one side, but if the baby weans off completely, everything will be OK.

3. Broken Nails

One of the significant drawbacks of exclusive breastfeeding is that the nipple may fracture and hurt. Continuously sucking on one breast might strain the nipple and make the nursing mother uncomfortable and in pain.

4. Breast Engorgement

Moms who exclusively breastfeed frequently lament the engorgement of the other breast. Anytime, a swollen breast can start to leak. The mother may find herself in an awkward circumstance.

5. Breast Pain

If the infant is not nursing from one breast, there may be an overfull situation, which can cause discomfort in the breast. To relieve the stress and pain, mothers might release some milk.

Breastfeeding can provide problems even though it is healthier and better for you and your baby.

Don’t give up if it takes time to get things done correctly. Here are some typical difficulties:

  • You might have discomfort, especially in the initial days or weeks.
  • It is impossible to gauge how much your infant is ingesting.
  • You should use caution when consuming alcohol, caffeine, and medications.
  • Newborns eat frequently.
  • Some substances that go into your body are transmitted to the baby through your milk. Sticking to a feeding schedule could be challenging if you have to go back to work or run errands. (However, pumping can aid!).
  • One drawback to breastfeeding solely from one breast at a time is that the breast your child is not nursing on may swell excessively and severely engorge. This kind of breast engorgement is more common in the first few weeks while your milk production is adjusting to your baby’s needs.
  • You can ease the pressure and discomfort if you have engorged breasts on one side of your body while breastfeeding on the other. When it’s time to breastfeed from that side, extract a small amount of milk using a breast pump or a hand expression technique from the overfull breast. Over time, the engorgement will improve. Your body will change as you continue breastfeeding only from one side throughout each feeding.

How to Handle Uneven Breasts?

It makes sense that your breasts would appear uneven if you were only breastfeeding from one side during each feeding. • Uneven breasts don’t typically create difficulties. The breast you nursed from last will be smaller, and the other breast will be more prominent as it fills up with breast milk for the next feeding. Even said, the unevenness can be advantageous since it makes it simpler to recall which breast to utilize for subsequent feeding.

  • If, however, the idea of having uneven breasts worries you, you might try to maintain more balance by nursing on both breasts during each meal. Which baby will do boobs suck, they can get extra immunity power.

What is the ideal time to alternate breasts?

Try to alternate the breasts during the day and give each one an equal amount of time to nurse. This lessens uncomfortable engorgement and maintains milk production in both breasts (when your breasts overfill with milk).

It is possible to switch breasts mid-feeding and then alternate which breast you offer first throughout each feeding. Can’t recall the last place your child was nursed? To remember which breast your baby last nursed on, it may be helpful to fasten a reminder—such as a safety pin or little ribbon—to your bra strap. At the subsequent feeding, begin with that breast. Use a nursing app or a notebook to keep track of how your breasts are doing instead.

Your infant may want to nurse from both breasts at once or alternate between them. If so, at the subsequent feeding, provide the other breast. Make the most practical and comfortable decisions for you and your infant.


Breastfeeding or bottle feeding is a personal choice. One of the first crucial choices you’ll make as a new parent is this. Each has benefits and drawbacks. The subject has generated controversy over the years, frequently making parents feel guilty for selecting bottle-fed formula over breast milk. In either case, don’t allow the detractors to get you down.

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