If you know me in person, you will find me an extrovert. If you follow me on any social media platforms, I guess I share the same reputation there too.
However, I wasn’t always an extrovert. It took me a lot of years to come to terms with my fears.
I still am not comfortable in a large group of people. I have issues, my mind gets all cluttered with what to speak, how to speak. Hence, I avoid meetings. Yes, being a girl boss, I manage most of my communication with clients via Phone or emails. The truth is, I am not a fan of meetings.
I avoid them if there’s an alternate available. Of late, things got a little dramatic & back to back meetings left me no choice but to ponder over my own limitations. It was time to talk to my own self & accept my fears. Soon after this, I resolved to meet new people at least once a week. It is surely a task in itself but I am getting there. I am overcoming my fears.
The outcome is that I feel better about myself, I feel more controlled about the conversation. I feel accomplished.
So if you have a fear, my advice is take it up, think about it, talk about it & face it. I am sure you will overcome your fears & will be proud of yourself.