How have you all been?
Its been quite a while since I wrote here majorly because life was running beyond my capacity to understand, absorb & analyse.
A lot of things happened over last few weeks, kids completed their current schooling year & got promoted to another year. With both of them moving to bigger classes, I feel quite overwhelmed with the pressure of studies coming our way because while I do like to follow a routine & make sure that there is sufficient pressure to study, I still secretly want them to have fun. I wish we could have a little more relaxed education system wherein parents & kids should pursue school with the hope to learn & experience rather than compete, get selected, get judged & what not!
Work wise, we completed 9 divine years in the Digital Space & trust me when I look back, I still feel like living a dream. Some call me Lucky, I totally take that because you surely need a shiny luck to get a sincere & self driven team. 9 years have been quite a roller coaster ride because of ALL the different set of clients you work with, different set of pears you work with & learn from. There have obviously been few back stabbers but I rather keep them active in my memory rather than writing them here. All I can truly say about Digital is that this industry throws million opportunities at you & at the end of the day, your true character comes out.
At Social level, I was joking with my better half & kids that I rather stay in a farm full of animals rather than living in a society full of people. Nothing heart breaking happened to me, just random thoughts. One of my acquittances went to be a foster parent about 18 months back. She shared her journey with a lot of us & WOW, what a mature thought process she & her family posses. I mean after raising the foster baby for 18 months (they got him when he was 3 months old) & now dropping the kid to his legally adopted parents is a BIG deal at least for me, it is! I mean, I would have rather kept the child to ourselves rather than letting him go but you see these are decisions that weak people like me make when emotionally drained out. 😉 We all know how practically challenging it will be to raise a 3rd child but you never know. 🙂 So back to fostering, I think I too will like to become a foster parent one day & provide a safe & loving space for the child to grow up but these are all random thought for now.
What are your thoughts on becoming parents, kids, becoming a foster parent? Let me know as I am always curious to know other person’s approach on such life turning topics.
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