Special needs children are not like other normal kids, and they need a lot of help from us to be a part of something. For example, when they play some sports, they need special devices and separate rules. The same goes for their learning activities.

Special needs children require a different teaching method while studying in their classes, at their homes, or for tuition. It is not that they do not possess the ability to study, and it is just that they require different techniques and methods of teaching than the average regular student.

In this article, we will discuss in detail how to teach children with special needs. Many types of students come under the category of children with special needs.

Teaching methods for children with special needs

Some may have a high attention disorder; some might not have the ability to grasp what is being taught to them with meagre retention power; some might have autism, etc. Let us look at the methods of how children with memorable can be taught.

Discuss and agree on learning objectives.

Inform students about what they will learn in the class and how much time they will need for each task. Establish and discuss behavioural expectations. Describe how students should behave during the course. Ask them to keep quiet while the lesson is being taught. If they have any doubts or questions, they should raise their hands and wait for their turn for the teacher to explain to them.

Make a schedule ahead of time.

Provide the schedule ahead of time. Make a summary of your lesson plan so that everyone is on the same page. This is very important because unless all the students are on the same page about the lesson, the lesson is not yet complete. Inform the students that you will divide them into groups for group work after reviewing the last session. This will be followed by individual reading time for the students. Write down the list of the items they will require for the lesson. For example, tell the special needs children that they need to have scissors, an eraser, a pair of scissors, and coloured pencils for an art assignment.

Use Unique teaching tactics.

Teaching special needs children will bring you face to face with some one-of-a-kind problems. These pupils will require not just an extra amount of time from you and patience but also unique teaching tactics in an organized atmosphere that will support and develops their learning potential. Use the following tactics with pupils who are learning disabled:

Students with reading impairments.

Students with reading impairments should get spoken instruction. For them, exams and reading lessons should be done orally so that a lack of reading skills does not excessively impact the evaluation process.

Some tips:
• Provide timely feedback.
• Teach in such a way that they can see the connection between what you taught them and what they could learn.
• When and if possible, try to make the activities short.
• Provide them with concrete objects and experiences as much as possible—items that they can touch, things that they can hear and smell, and so on.
Use personalized praise

Students with learning disabilities require and should receive a lot of personalized praise. Instead of just stating, “You performed well,” or “I like your reading,” make specific complementing comments that relate the action directly to the acknowledgment; for example, “I was happily surprised by the way you sorted the rock flower collection for Kevin and Natasha.”

Provide information in written and vocal versions

Wherever possible, repeat directions or provide information in both written and vocal versions as needed. It will allow children with special needs to use as many sensory cues as feasible.
Cooperative activities for learning

When feasible, encourage cooperative activities for any learning. Invite students with diverse ability levels to collaborate on a specific assignment or toward a similar objective. Create an environment that fosters a real “community of learners.”


We have seen at length how to teach the children with special needs. They take a much longer time to grasp and learn the lessons, which the regular students can learn much quicker. Much time, devotion, patience, and willpower are required to teach these kids with special needs. It is not that they cannot learn, but proper guidance and nurturing are needed. If prepared with a lot of patience, these specially-abled kids can also learn as much as the average students, albeit they will take much longer. They should be treated as outcasts but as a part of our society.


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