Anticipation of childbirth, preparation for life with a baby and aspirations to start a family. Pregnancy comes with all of this, but there are also situations where the foetus may not survive. It ends in a miscarriage: the child dies before it can be saved. Medical professionals call it a miscarriage weighing up to 500 grams, but the emotional pain cannot be measured in grams because it is too heavy. Only a feeling of sadness, pain and loneliness remains. Miscarriages: Why do they happen? How to regain sanity?

Abortion is a taboo subject that many people do not talk about freely. For this reason, it seems that one is not alone in experiencing this unfortunate turn of events, and miscarriages are rare. It’s not true: miscarriages are common. Experts say about two-thirds of fertilised eggs die or fail to develop properly. Miscarriages happen early in the process, so they often go unnoticed. The first sign may be an abnormally heavy or late period.

The loss of an unborn child causes immense physical, emotional and mental trauma. Take the break you need. Tell a close friend or someone you trust. Be honest with your partner and take care of each other. Whatever emotions you feel, know that they are all valid and important. Don’t underestimate them. Anyone who feels the present can get over it. Sometimes your loved ones don’t make you feel understood. Many women share this leap of faith:

  • Find support groups.
  • Use your imagination.
  • Socialise

Do something if it improves your well-being. Although there is no justification for this, many women are paralyzed by guilt. If you continue to experience symptoms of depression, do not hesitate to seek professional help. The death of an unborn child is a terrifying life experience for many, accompanied by hopes, dreams and visions. Consider your situation seriously and express your grief for your loss.


Pregnancy loss usually occurs before the 12th week.

Warning signs and symptoms of a miscarriage include:

  • vaginal bleeding or spotting
  • abdominal or lower back pain or cramps
  • fluid or tissue leaking from the vagina
  • Put foetal tissue from your vagina into a clean container and take it to your doctor’s office or hospital for testing.
  • Most healthy pregnancies experience vaginal bleeding or spotting in the first trimester.

Tips for treating a miscarriage:

●      Consider contacting a mental health professional

Losing a pregnancy means losing a baby. To work through the complex emotions and grief accompanying a miscarriage, a therapist or counsellor may be beneficial—advice from a mental health professional, particularly for women with a history of depression or anxiety. If money is a problem, ask about mental health insurance benefits or find a therapist who accepts high payments.

●      After a miscarriage, take care of yourself as you normally would

Although the pregnancy does not last long, you must care for your body to recover from the miscarriage fully. The body can heal through hydration, healthy eating, moderate exercise, and sleep. Consider taking up a new physical activity that makes you happy or lets you vent your emotions, like boxing. If you can, invest more than usual in your care. An effective treatment that your health insurance plan may cover, for example, is postpartum massage.

●      Most women can conceive again

The American Pregnancy Association estimates that 85% of miscarrying women have healthy pregnancies. The percentage is 75% for women with two or three miscarriages. We can test women who have problems in hopes of preventing further miscarriages.

●      Be honest about your feelings

After a miscarriage, many couples feel they need to heal privately, especially if they have not told their pregnancy to their family. Negative emotions can be hard to swallow and can put you at risk for depression if you hold on to them. If you don’t feel comfortable discussing your miscarriage with people you know directly, consider joining a support group. Sharing your story with other miscarriages can remind you that you are not alone and that your feelings are real.

●      Give yourself time to cry

Giving yourself space and time to heal is an important part of learning to cope with a miscarriage. You shouldn’t feel like you have to “get over” or let go of your feelings because your pain won’t go away right away. While some women may start trying immediately, you can wait if you’re not ready. Even if you are physically able to get pregnant, you may not be emotionally ready for another pregnancy, especially if you haven’t given yourself time to process your loss. Follow best pregnancy care tips to avoid miscarriage.

●      Self-care is important

Neglecting basic needs is a common response to catastrophic loss. If you haven’t eaten or slept enough, it can be difficult for your body to recover from the physical stress of a miscarriage. Self-care and effective coping mechanisms will be important during this recovery period.

If you don’t feel like eating, try to eat simple, straightforward foods. If you don’t like cooking, you can order quick or prepared meals or eat at home. Rest as much as possible; Getting enough sleep is important for your recovery. Additionally, you can practise things like meditation, keep a mental health journal, or, if you feel like it, take a walk or spend time outdoors during the day. Pay attention to signs that you need a mental health day off to focus on yourself.

●      Find ways to remember your loss

Many people who have experienced a miscarriage find it helpful to remember their loss. After all, it is a kind of sadness itself. There are many ways to honour and remember the baby you lost. Memorials can provide comfort and a sense of closure. Whether you’re choosing a name for your baby, naming a tree, donating to a cause, or mourning your loss, a memorial can help you feel that the pregnancy you lost was real. Find another symbolic way to mark. You have two options for remembering your loss: publicly or privately with friends and family. There is no right or wrong way to perform this type of ceremony. Proper pregnancy care tips can save you from miscarriage.

●      Remember it’s not your fault

After losing a pregnancy, many people experience feelings of guilt or shame. Remember that you are not responsible for your miscarriage, and avoid making excuses. There was nothing someone could have done to prevent the loss, as chromosomal abnormalities account for more than half of first-trimester miscarriages. Realise that this loss was out of your control instead of looking for things you did wrong. If you need help, don’t hesitate to contact others, such as your doctor, partner, or other friends who have had a miscarriage.


Miscarriage is one of the most difficult times for parents. In this time both partners should support each other and take care of each other. Miscarriage can be avoided by proper pregnancy care tips . If you want to know about miscarriage healing tips then this article is for you.


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