Each year, millions of newborns are affected by premature delivery, putting them at risk for respiratory illnesses. Bronchopulmonary dysplasia is the most prevalent chronic lung illness in infancy; however, current research indicates that even premature infants who do not strictly fit the bronchopulmonary dysplasia criteria may experience unfavorable pulmonary outcomes in later life. One of the best child hospitals in Hyderabad , Parvathi Hospital, has worked extensively on such cases and come up with life-changing successful treatments. This post-prematurity respiratory disease (PPRD) causes chronic respiratory symptoms, including coughing, recurring wheezing, difficulty exercising, and weakened lungs.
Common childhood respiratory diseases:
- Influenza:
The influenza virus, sometimes known as the flu, typically produces high fevers, muscular aches, exhaustion, coughing, and a runny nose for five to seven days. Pneumonia and hospitalization from subsequent bacterial infections are side effects of the flu. Even fatal cases of influenza have been reported, particularly in young infants. Kids often have greater fevers than adults do, and they also typically have worse stomach problems. But if your child does catch the flu, there are vaccines that can significantly lower the likelihood of infection or diminish the severity of the illness’ symptoms. From the age of six months, your child is eligible for vaccinations. Since the formulation of the vaccines varies each year in anticipation of the strain(s) anticipated to be common in the upcoming season, they must be given annually.
- Asthma:
A potentially highly dangerous lung condition called asthma results in:
- Coughing.
- Pressure or chest constriction.
- Respiratory problems or shortness of breath.
- Whistling or wheezing upon exhalation.
Most adult symptoms are like those in children. Adults, however, could suffer symptoms that last longer. In addition to asthma, children are more prone than adults to also have allergies. A variety of things, like breathing in dust, pollen, or being exposed to an allergen like pet fur, can cause asthma episodes. Children who have asthma are more likely to get bronchitis or pneumonia. Additionally, among children under the age of 15, it ranks third in terms of the reasons for hospitalizations.
- Sinusitis:
Sinusitis, often known as a sinus infection, is an infection that causes swelling of the sinus tissue. These normally air-filled sacs located behind the nose and eye can get clogged with fluid, which can cause an infection. It frequently follows a cold or the flu, or it could be brought on by allergies. Sinusitis may result in:
- Face pressure and pain, especially around the eyes and nose.
- Feeling really congested or stuffed up.
- Runny nose and coughing.
- Post-nasal drip that could lead to nausea or vomiting, a sore throat, and poor breath.
Symptoms may last longer in children than in adults. An over-the-counter decongestant or using a neti pot to irrigate the sinuses may help decrease inflammation and ease symptoms.
- Bronchitis:
The major breathing tubes in the lungs known as bronchi, which are affected by bronchitis, are inflamed. It typically results from a virus and can happen after a cold or the flu. A typical symptom of the flu is a persistent cough, which can last for three to four weeks after the virus has left the body. Symptoms may also include a chesty cough, as well as:
- A stuffy nose.
- Congestion and chest discomfort.
- Chills and a fever.
- Fatigue or a general sensation of malaise.
- Wheezing
- Throat pain.
Children with bronchitis may be more inclined to ingest mucus rather than cough it up, but the symptoms of bronchitis are generally the same in both adults and children. Children who have allergies, asthma, or chronic sinusitis are more likely to get bronchitis.
- Croup:
Laryngotracheobronchitis, often known as croup, is typically brought on by a virus that swells the larynx and trachea (the windpipe and voice box). When you take a deep breath in, the swelling restricts the air’s ability to freely enter your lungs, which results in a high-pitched wheezing or sort of squeaking sound. Additionally, your child’s voice can seem huskier than usual. A harsh, barking cough and respiratory distress are the hallmarks of croup, which typically affects younger children under the age of four. Even while children are significantly more likely to get croup, adults can also get it. Croup is normally treated with rest, drinks, over-the-counter anti-inflammatories, and pain relievers such ibuprofen or acetaminophen because it is typically caused by a virus. Additionally, inhaling in humidified air may make breathing easier, particularly at night.
- Pneumonia:
Lung infection leads to pneumonia, which can develop into a serious illness. These signs include:
- Breaths quickly.
- Chillers and a high fever
- Coughing
- Fatigue
- Chest pain, particularly when breathing.
Children’s symptoms may not be as clear as adults’ symptoms, making a diagnosis more challenging. After your child has had a cold, the flu, or strep throat, pneumonia may appear. The cause could be viruses, bacteria, or fungi. Antibiotics can be used to treat bacterial pneumonia. Viral pneumonia cannot be treated with a single prescription; however, your doctor may recommend an antiviral drug to lessen the illness’s duration. Your youngster may feel a little better if they get some rest and drink a lot of water. Pneumococcus, measles, and whooping cough vaccinations can lower your child’s risk of developing pneumonia.
Final words:
In conclusion, having a manual on common respiratory diseases in kids can help parents better understand, take charge of, and choose the right treatment for their child’s respiratory health. Parents can actively promote their child’s wellbeing by remaining knowledgeable about diseases like asthma, bronchiolitis, pneumonia, croup, allergies, RSV infection, and sleep apnea. This entails collaborating closely with healthcare professionals, adhering to prescribed courses of action, putting preventative measures into action, and being aware of when to seek medical help. Parents can play a significant part in promoting their child’s respiratory health and securing a healthy future by being informed and attentive.
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