Many of the couples are not meant to be together forever. Unfortunately, 30% of marriages continue to end in divorce and some of them involve children. Separation is not easy, and for a kid, it’s the most heartbreaking situation to cope up with. It takes a lot from them to adjust to the consequences. For families where there is no room for improvement, co-parenting work wonders and keeps the relationship healthy.
The term co-parenting may be defined as a parenting relationship in which the two parents of the child are not romantically involved, but still, share the joint responsibility to nurture the child. Co-parenting is the best solution for all those couples who do not wish to stay together but are equally concerned for the well being of their child. Joint custody arrangements can be exhausting and stressful with your ex-partner. You may feel concerned about your ex’s parenting abilities or financial issues. But making shared decisions, however, makes it possible for both the parents to overcome the challenges and develop and cordial working relationship for the sake of their kid.
The major factor behind successful co-parenting is to separate the personal relationship issues with your ex and focus on the nourishment of your children. It’s all about having an increased sense of responsibility and being respectful to each other.
Children who are raised under co-parenting enjoy many benefits. Few among them are:
1. Security and Self- Worth: Co-parented kids not only feel secure but also can rely on both mother and father to have the best decisions. This increases the sense of security and gives them a feeling of being loved and important.
2. Exposure to Problem Solving: Observing Mom and dad solving the family problems together, teaches a child to resolve conflicts in a respectful manner. Kids learn to respect each other’s decisions and how to behave with adults. They regain self-esteem and feel much confident.
3. Less Depression and Anxiety: For children whose parents aren’t together anymore, it’s tough to face the society or school mates. They become more anxious and worries. On the contrary, co-parenting helps them to communicate with confidence and be expressive.
4. Improved Personal Relationships: Co-parenting definitely teaches the values of relationships to the children. As both the parents share responsibilities together, it allows children to learn the skills of bonding and adjustments.
5. Learn the importance of Family: Living in a healthy environment helps children to learn good virtues. They get quality time with both the parents. Co-parenting establishes a life pattern for them that they can carry into the future to maintain strong relationships.
6. Mental and Emotional health: Conflicts often hamper the mental and emotional health of children. They are more likely to develop anxiety, depression or ADHD. When parents decide to raise a kid together as a family, it improves his mental, emotional and physical health.
Co-parenting requires both the parents to get on the same page. It’s harmony and everyone will get benefits from it. Love always wins.
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