With things getting back to normal, everyone is back on the track now. A couple of months ago, India reached a big milestone of getting over 1 billion people vaccinated. The severity of the disease has also shown a steady decrease. With the improvement in the situation, the government and authorities have reopened the schools. Education suffered a lot because of it. Our children have missed an important part of their lives because of the lockdown. It has hampered their studies and social progress. But now, even children want to go back to school and resume their life.
However, with the spread of the new variant Omicron, it’s clear that the pandemic has not completely gone away and it creates a little discomfort for the parents as well as children too. For children under 18, we do not have a vaccine yet, which makes it further difficult. So, if you are a parent worrying about your child going back to school, here are some safety tips to keep them safe and protected.
Mask is Mandatory:
No matter how lesser the effect and severity of the disease gets, you must take care that your child is safe and immune. Mask is the only vaccine for children below 18 years so whenever they step out for school, make sure they have put on their mask. Double masking is a better and safest option for children traveling down to their schools daily. As a parent it’s your responsibility to help them understand the importance of masks when they go out.
Social Distancing:
We know it’s quite difficult to keep distant from friends but maintaining social distancing at public places is the need of the hour. With festivals and new year approaching us, it’s crucial to keep a safe distance of at least 6 feet from others. If your child is going to school, it’s important to instruct him/her to be at a safe distance from friends and classmates. Also, make sure that they avoid going into social gatherings and parties.
Keep Hands Clean:
Practice washing hands with your child at home and teach them why it is important to keep our hands clean. Explain to them how to wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before or after sneezing, coughing, eating. When they don’t have access to water or soap, suggest they use hand sanitizer that contains 60% alcohol. Encourage them to wash their hands frequently in school and keep their mouth covered when they cough or sneeze.
Stay Home if Sick:
The only way to control this disease from spreading is to stay indoors if sick. If your child has any of the symptoms of Covid-19, make sure they skip going to school for at least 3-4 days. Some common signs of COVID-19 in children are:
- Fever
- Fatigue
- Headache
- Myalgia
- Cough
- Nasal congestion or rhinorrhea
- New loss of taste or smell
- Sore throat
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Abdominal pain
- Diarrhea
- Nausea or vomiting
Follow a Healthy Routine:
Many children are studying online, or through a hybrid model this school year, so it’s essential for families to follow a healthy routine to keep children mentally and physically well:
- Make sure that they have a proper sleep routine.
- Make sure they follow proper oral hygiene and bathe properly daily.
- Include healthy meals in their diet.
- Make sure that they are physically active.
- Keep a check on their mental health also.
- Engage in activities that encourage exercise and physical fitness
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