Yes, we know that babies love being held, and of course those little and soft creatures are so so young and unique, that even parents don’t want to put them down.
Holding a baby during the early years is essential as it can keep them warm and comfortable. Also, holding them in the arms is the only way to move them until they can learn to sit or move in a stroller.

During infancy babies want to be held all the time as they are dependent. But this demand may cause inconvenience in late toddlerhood. Many of us might have seen mothers helding their 4-5 years toddlers and struggling to do their household chores. Sometimes new mothers do not know the reason. Newborn Parenting Tips  will be usefule for new mothers.

If your baby is grown into a toddler and still wants to be held all the time, we can feel your pain. So when should you be concerned about your baby’s demands to be held? Read further as today we are going to tell you why babies get stubborn at times and want to be held all the time. What are the advantages and when it’s the time to stop the habit.

Why Do Babies Want To Be Held?

Depending on the age, health and growth, there could be many reasons to this question. Below we have jotted down some common reasons:
● Security and Comfort: A newborn,after birth,is suddenly thrown into a noisy world. Adjusting to this noise is challenging and this is the reason why they desire mother’s touch. Newborn babies calm down when held close by a mother. They will secure and comfortable just like the womb’s environment.

● Hunger and Illness : If your baby is hungry or unwell, he is likely to demand being held frequently. Holding your baby close when he is ill may help ease the discomfort.

● Separation Anxiety : One one of the most common situations when babies feel uncomfortable is when their parents go out of the sight. This is also known as separation anxiety and occurs between the ages of 10- 18 months of their age and is usually gone by the age of three years. Toddlers also demand being held during a tantrum episode or when they are upset.

Know When To Be Concerned?

In certain scenarios, holding the many all the time may not be appropriate. If you watch any of the below mentioned situations, it’s time to consult the doctor.

● Your toddler is older than three years. As toddlers of this age can self-soothe and communicate.

● If your baby cries continuously even after being held.

● Their demands of being held arise at a specific time or during certain activities, such as at night or while playing with other children.

● Baby’s anxiety is interfering with his sleep.

● If your baby shows signs of illness or infection such as fever, vomiting or diarrhea.

Ways To Stop The Demand

Here are some ways to stop the demand of being held.

● Identify the need: If your baby is below 1 year of age, it is best to hold him on demand. At this age babies are developing emotionally and require attention.

● Give them time to self-soothe : Research suggests that it is okay for the baby to cry for some time to figure out ways to self-soothe. There are several methods where you allow the baby to cry it out. If your baby is healthy and well-fed yet demands to be held, you may not address the demand immediately and rather let the baby self-soothe.

● Distraction Works: Babies who want to be held all the time for non-essential reasons may be soothed easily with a distraction. You may show a toy to the baby or even provide them with a pacifier, which works great at keeping the baby calm.

● Handle Separation Anxiety: Maintain a regular routine to manage separation anxiety. Plan ways to keep the toddler engaged during this period by taking the help of a family member or letting the toddler stay at daycare.

Holding your baby all the time can be tiring for parents, especially for new mothers. However, this phase is transient, and the baby will learn ways to self-soothe than demand being held. Always stay updated with Toddler Parenting Tips.


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