I still remember my initial days of motherhood when my little one used to spit up a lot after feeding. A sudden noise often came out of his mouth indicating a rush of spit-up. This whole scene brings a lot of emotions and to be honest none of them are positive.

I always felt worries that he was sick and not getting enough food. I got used to changing clothes and cleaning up carpets frequently. At one point of time, I felt helpless as there was nothing that I could do to get my baby to stop spitting up.

With so many questions running in my mind, it became hard to find out what’s normal and what’s not. After consulting so many paediatricians and ofcourse some experienced mommies, I was quite relieved. Spit-ups are completely normal and a part of baby’s development. Let’s have a detailed look at the causes of baby spit-ups and when to worry.

What is a normal Spit-Up?

Babies usually spit-up breast milk or formula milk occasionally. It occurs shortly after feeding and is quick, smooth flow of milk. Spit-up never leads to weight loss and is usually in small quanitities multiple times a day.

In most of the cases spit-up is common but complications like GERD can develop in some infants.

Causes of Spit-Ups

Spit-Ups are more of a developmental milestone just like sitting and crawling. The major cause of spit-up is immature digestive system of your little one. In adults, the muscle located between the esophagus and stomach is mature enough to keep the stomach contents at place.

In infants this muscle is not mature enough so spitting is considered quite normal in the first year of life. Other possible causes may be consumption of larger quantity of air during feeding or overstimulation caused by rocking, bouncing or tummy time.

Difference between Vomiting and Spit-Up

Finding out the difference between vomiting and spit up is difficult at times but there are many factors that can help you distinguish between the two.

● Spit-ups are quick and quiet while vomiting is forceful and with a noise.
● Infants are generally happy and playful before, during or after spit-up but they seem to be in pain after bouts of vomiting.
● Spit-ups are common after every feed but vomiting is typically seen in conjunction with symptoms like fever or diarrhea.

When to worry about spit-ups

If your child is having following symptoms other that spit-ups, it’s time to contact your doctor.

● Losing weight
● Seems fussy due to discomfort
● Liquids coming out are of red, pink, deep yellow or green color.
● Frequent bouts of vomiting
● Not feeding properly

Tips to reduce Spit-ups
● Try to give smaller feeds to your ba
● Keep your baby in upright position for 20-30 minutes after feeding.
● Avoid bouncing or rocking the baby after feeding.
● Take breaks between feeding to burp.
● Avoid tight clothing that can put pressure on the stomach.
● If you are a breastfeeding mother, avoid having heavy meals that are difficult to digest.

If your little one is gaining weight and is a happy baby, there is no need to worry and rush. Spit-ups can definitely be frustrating at times but are normal part of baby’s growth and development.

However, if your baby is spitting up a lot more and you are worried about your baby, you can talk to your doctor and check the symptoms.

To get more information: Breastfeeding Tips First Time Moms


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