Motherhood indeed is the most beautiful phase but for some women, comes with lots of discomforts and sacrifices. New moms often find it difficult to adjust to the sleepless nights and long feeding sessions. And if you encounter milk blisters, things get even tougher.

A milk blister is a very painful condition for a mom which can cause discomfort while feeding. These are often caused due to improper latch and are a result of friction. Nipple blisters can be treated easily and treatments can help a mom to feed her baby comfortably.

Causes of Milk Blisters

We women often wonder for reasons of milk blisters. The main reason for the milk blister is an improper latch. When your baby’s sucking is shallow, it causes excess pressure on the breasts due to which skin grows over the milk duct. A small amount of milk builds behind this blister which causes pain and discomfort while feeding. The main causes of a nipple blister are:

● Improper latching, sucking problems of baby
● Excess milk supply
● Yeast infection or thrush
● Excess pressure on breasts while feeding

Symptoms of Milk Blisters

Irregular in shape and size, milk blisters are painful and bulge when pressure is applied. It may cause discomfort while breastfeeding.

Milk blisters are just like blisters that appear on hand or feet and are filled with fluid. Milk blisters are usually white, yellow, or clear in color.

Home-Treatments of Milk Blisters

Milk blisters can easily be treated at home and there are many ways to do it. The best way to reduce mill blister is frequent feeding. Nursing more often will help you clear up the blister.

Before nursing, apply a warm compress over your nipple for a couple of minutes. The heat opens up the duct. After nursing, again keep a warm compress over your nipple. This reduces the pain and also helps in releasing the plug.

Another way to treat blisters is to keep the nipple area moist. This will reduce the pain and you can easily feed your baby.

Examples of how to do this include the following:

● Dip cotton in olive oil and place it over your nipple.
● Apply vinegar on a breast pad and place it over your nipples.
● Take 2tsps of Epsom salt and mix it with one cup of water. Soak your breasts in the solution.
● Nursing frequently will help you reduce the blisters.
● Position your baby correctly. Make sure your baby latches on correctly.
● Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. Dehydration increases the chance of clogging milk which will lead to a blister.
● Pump the extra milk at night. If your baby has started taking solids or is sleeping throughout the night, it may result in milk clogging. So it’s better to pump the extra milk.
● You can even try some over-the-counter medicines that are available to reduce the pain and discomfort. But always talk to your gynecologist before taking any of them.

Milk Blisters are temporary and treating them at home is easy. If these remedies aren’t working for you, please consult your obstetrician and schedule a checkup.

If you are a new mom and searching for the Breastfeeding Tips For New Moms then you should follow the given links and gets tips related to Breastfeeding.


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