Most women think that diet restriction are only during the pregnancy period. Once they give birth, it’s easier to return to their old food habits. While many doctors ease the postpartum food restrictions, no one will ever suggest eating everything you used to have before pregnancy, from excessive butter or junkies.

Since you are breastfeeding, whatever food you have will affect the nutritional composition of breast milk. It may further cause food poisoning, stomach aches, diarrhea, and other illnesses. Owing to this reason, we have explained a complete list of diet advice for breastfeeding moms that you can follow post-delivery.

Maintain your calorie intake properly

After your delivery, you need to increase the calorie content to meet the energy requirements. From nursing your baby to tolerating multiple sleepless nights, your body needs a lot of carbs and proteins for energy production and muscle repair, respectively. Apart from this, it would help if you also had a lot of vitamins and minerals for stronger immunity. This is why balancing the calorie is so crucial.

Get enough proteins for more milk production

According to the general diet advice for breastfeeding moms, you need to include lots of proteins. It is important to form the required amino acids to help your muscles repair and become stronger. Apart from that, the proteins consumed increase breastmilk’s nutritional content. You must have protein-rich foods like lean meat, chicken, eggs, and more.

Do not cut off vitamins and minerals

No matter what kind of diet you are following postpartum, it is crucial to add different minerals and vitamins. For instance, iron-rich foods are needed to ensure that the lost blood during delivery can be replenished. Apart from this, iodine-rich foods will increase the iodine content in the breastmilk, ensuring your child won’t suffer from thyroid.

Include a source of omega fatty acids

Omega fatty acids like Omega-6, Omega-3, and more, are required for your baby’s brain development. It will also improve your heart’s health by lowering LDL cholesterol concentration. There are several natural sources of omega fatty acids like mackerel, tuna, and salmon. You can make some of the healthiest foods from these ingredients, like poached salmon, tuna salad, and more.

Keep fat consumption in check

Ensure to maintain your fat intake because the fatty acids will be passed to your baby through the breastmilk, and it might not be healthy. You can limit the use of butter, fat-rich vegetable oils like canola oil, junkies, chocolates, and more. Instead, you can have peanut butter as it is rich with important nutrients or olive oil.


Now you have a brief idea about the foods to be consumed and not to be taken, optimize your diet routine so that your body receives the required calorie. You can consult with the pediatrician and a dietician for further changes.


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