If you are a mother, you will definitely agree to me that kids can be very fussy when it comes to their tiffin boxes. Not only this, as a mother, I always find myself juggling between packing nutritious meals while keeping them tasty enough for kids to try & finish their tiffin boxes.

This week, the whole tiffin drama came to an end when the school sent us the week’s menu to be followed.

Now, this makes life easy, very easy because your mind knows what to cook without mentally going through 10,000 options available.

One of the option on the list was “Banana Pancakes” & my kids were quite elated to take this specific item in their tiffins. Initially, I did think of using “All Purpose Flour” as a part of recipe but for me, that defeats the purpose of making nutritious pancakes.

Since the pancakes were a hit. Let me share a quick recipe for you all to try.

We need:

  • Whole Wheat Flour: 1 Cup
  • Milk: 1/2 Cup
  • Banana: 1
  • Sugar: 2 tsp or may be a little extra if your kids like it extra sweet
  • Salt: 1 pinch
  • Egg (Optional)
  • Oil – 2 tsp (if not using egg)
  • Cinnamon powder: 1/4 tsp (optional)
  • Vanilla Essence: 1/4 tsp (optional)

Put all the ingredients in the mixer & mix it all.

Set aside for 10 min to rest

Now take the non stick pan, grease it well with Desi Ghee. Pour Batter in small quantities & let it cook for 5 to 6 min (each side).

The Banana pancakes are ready to be served!!

You can sprinkle some mix seeds + Honey as toppings.

Please do try & share your family’s reaction.


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