“Those who educate children well are more to be honored than they who produce them, for these only gave them life, those the art of living well” Aristotle was wise to recognize the importance of both education and educators.

The NGO is an initiative to help such children so that they can find their identities and learn the fact that they are not doomed to spend their lives in such poverty.

The most important barrier in educating underprivileged children is that some families deny sending their girl-child for education but are more than happy to send their sons.

Patriarchy, as we all know, has been eating our society from the bottom for centuries. Women were not allowed to read books, not taught how to write, were not given equal opportunities and were believed to have taken birth for household chores. They were denied education from the moment they took birth and were married before they had hit fifteen. There were even times when human society was divided into two classes, out of which the bourgeoisie class (middle class), including millions of families, men, women, children, were not allowed to read or speak the language spoken by the upper classes.

That era, thankfully, has ended, but patriarchy still blooms in our society. Even though theories like feminism have helped women in raising their voices and learning about women empowerment, most of the poverty-ridden families know nothing about such development. It was necessary to teach them about the world which exists around them. We have hit the problem of denying the opportunity of education to a girl child at its pivotal point. We have designed an outreach program that targets girls at their age of adolescence, i.e., girls between the age group of ten to nineteen and sets them on an academic track towards excellence.

Underprivileged families have been treated like they are not humans. Every human has a right to education, and keeping in mind all these problems, Pehchaan provides every underprivileged child with free education. Not just this, Pehchaan has been providing free healthcare check-ups, has been going on blanket drives so that they can keep warm in the cold and have been providing education sponsorships so that they can bring their families above the poverty line.

It has been six years since Pehchaan has embarked upon this journey of educating every child residing in the slum areas, and it has reached over a thousand children in the NGO and have more than seven centres in the Delhi NCR.

Pehchaan- The Street School never leaves any opportunity to serve humanity and spread happiness and enlightenment. It also organises a Blanket Donation Drive for the children of its school as a small contribution to humankind

For most of us, winters mean sitting in comfy cozy blankets, sipping hot tea or coffee etc., etc. But the story is not same for everyone. There’s a plethora of unprivileged to whom the mere idea of winters coming horrifies. It’s heart-wrenching to think about those who fight for their survival in winters. They lack of quilts and blankets to cover up themselves like us in the chilling weather.

It has set its branches spread across Delhi where it’s freezing and biting cold. The organization empathize with the pain and troubles of our children. Otherwise the chikdren would have fell under the clutches of any illness due to extreme cold. So, its mission is to provide good quality warm blankets to every child of Pehchaan and not let them suffer anymore. Each member of the organization worked assiduously to accomplish this unanimous mission.

There’s no other best gift than serving the unprivileged and needy at the hour of need. It is the best feeling in the entire world when we see those bright faces giggling in front of us. The sense of satisfaction after doing our bit to create a better place for them is beyond expression. The drive went on so well and the mission was successful. The donors and volunteers did a remarkable job. Somewhere we feel privileged that God chose us to conduct such noble programs and drives for the betterment of other’s in society.



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Indraprastha Metro Station, Delhi 110001

097117 18972

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